import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs"; import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; // SMall script to output the properties of the types.csv as json to add in the tagRenderingGroup. Should be copied manually function run(file, protojson) { const entries: string[] = Utils.NoNull(readFileSync(file, "utf8").split("\n").map(str => str.trim())) entries.shift() const overview_question_answers = [] const questions = [] const filterOptions: { question: string, osmTags?: string } [] = [ { question: "All connectors" } ] for (const entry of entries) { const [key, image, description, whitelist] = entry.split(",").map(str => str.trim()) if (key === "") { continue; } const txt = ` ${description}` const json = { if: `${key}=1`, ifnot: `${key}=`, then: txt, } if (whitelist) { const countries = whitelist.replace(/"/g, '').split(",").map(country => "_country!=" + country) //HideInAnswer if it is in the wrong country json["hideInAnswer"] = {or: countries} } overview_question_answers.push(json) // We add a second time for any amount to trigger a visualisation; but this is not an answer option const no_ask_json = { if: { and: [`${key}~*`, `${key}!=1`] }, then: txt, hideInAnswer: true } overview_question_answers.push(no_ask_json) const indivQ = { question: { en: `How much plugs of type ${description} are available here?` }, render: `There are {${key}} plugs of type ${description} available here`, freeform: { key: key, type: "pnat" }, condition: `${key}~*` } questions.push(indivQ) filterOptions.push({ question: `Has a ${description} connector`, osmTags: `${key}~*` }) } const toggles = { "question": { "en": "Which charging stations are available here?" }, "multiAnswer": true, "mappings": overview_question_answers } questions.unshift(toggles) const stringified = => JSON.stringify(q, null, " ")) let proto = readFileSync(protojson, "utf8") proto = proto.replace("$$$", stringified.join(",\n") + ",") proto = JSON.parse(proto) proto["filter"].push({ options: filterOptions }) writeFileSync("charging_station.json", JSON.stringify(proto, undefined, " ")) } try { run("types.csv", "charging_station.protojson") } catch (e) { console.error(e) }