/* * Uses the languages in and to every translation from wikidata to generate a language question in wikidata/wikidata * */ import WikidataUtils from "../../Utils/WikidataUtils"; import {existsSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/LayerConfigJson"; import {MappingConfigJson} from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson"; import LanguageUtils from "../../Utils/LanguageUtils"; import * as perCountry from "../../assets/language_in_country.json" import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; function main(){ const sourcepath = "assets/generated/languages-wd.json"; console.log(`Converting language data file '${sourcepath}' into a tagMapping`) const languages = WikidataUtils.extractLanguageData(JSON.parse(readFileSync(sourcepath, "utf8")), {}) const mappings : MappingConfigJson[] = [] const schoolmappings : MappingConfigJson[] = [] const countryToLanguage : Record = perCountry const officialLanguagesPerCountry = Utils.TransposeMap(countryToLanguage); languages.forEach((l, code) => { const then : Record= {} l.forEach((tr, lng) => { const languageCodeWeblate = WikidataUtils.languageRemapping[lng] ?? lng; if(!LanguageUtils.usedLanguages.has(languageCodeWeblate)){ return; } then[languageCodeWeblate] = tr }) const officialCountries = Utils.Dedup(officialLanguagesPerCountry[code]?.map(s => s.toLowerCase()) ?? []) const prioritySearch = officialCountries.length > 0 ? "_country~" + officialCountries.map(c => "((^|;)"+c+"($|;))").join("|") : undefined mappings.push({ if: "language:" + code + "=yes", ifnot: "language:" + code + "=", searchTerms: { "*": [code] }, then, priorityIf: prioritySearch }) schoolmappings.push({ if: "school:language=" + code, then, priorityIf: prioritySearch, searchTerms: { "*":[code] } }) }) const wikidataLayer = { id: "wikidata", description: "Various tagrenderings which are generated from Wikidata. Automatically generated with a script, don't edit manually", "#dont-translate": "*", "source": { "osmTags": "id~*" }, "mapRendering": null, tagRenderings: [ { id: "language", // @ts-ignore description: "Enables to pick *a single* 'language:=yes' within the mappings", mappings, }, { builtin: "wikidata.language", override: { id: "language-multi", // @ts-ignore description: "Enables to pick *multiple* 'language:=yes' within the mappings", multiAnswer: true } }, { id:"school-language", // @ts-ignore description: "Enables to pick a single 'school:language=' within the mappings", multiAnswer: true, mappings: schoolmappings } ] } const dir = "./assets/layers/wikidata/" if(!existsSync(dir)){ mkdirSync(dir) } const path = dir + "wikidata.json" writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(wikidataLayer, null, " ")) console.log("Written "+path) } main()