import * as turf from '@turf/turf' import {BBox} from "./BBox"; import togpx from "togpx" import Constants from "../Models/Constants"; import LayerConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; export class GeoOperations { private static readonly _earthRadius = 6378137; private static readonly _originShift = 2 * Math.PI * GeoOperations._earthRadius / 2; static surfaceAreaInSqMeters(feature: any) { return turf.area(feature); } /** * Converts a GeoJson feature to a point GeoJson feature * @param feature */ static centerpoint(feature: any) { const newFeature =; =; =; return newFeature; } static centerpointCoordinates(feature: any): [number, number] { return <[number, number]>; } /** * Returns the distance between the two points in meters * @param lonlat0 * @param lonlat1 */ static distanceBetween(lonlat0: [number, number], lonlat1: [number, number]) { return turf.distance(lonlat0, lonlat1, {units: "meters"}) } /** * Calculates the overlap of 'feature' with every other specified feature. * The features with which 'feature' overlaps, are returned together with their overlap area in m² * * If 'feature' is a LineString, the features in which this feature is (partly) embedded is returned, the overlap length in meter is given * If 'feature' is a Polygon, overlapping points and points within the polygon will be returned * * If 'feature' is a point, it will return every feature the point is embedded in. Overlap will be undefined * */ static calculateOverlap(feature: any, otherFeatures: any[]): { feat: any, overlap: number }[] { const featureBBox = BBox.get(feature); const result: { feat: any, overlap: number }[] = []; if (feature.geometry.type === "Point") { const coor = feature.geometry.coordinates; for (const otherFeature of otherFeatures) { if ( !== undefined && === { continue; } if (otherFeature.geometry === undefined) { console.error("No geometry for feature ", feature) throw "List of other features contains a feature without geometry an undefined" } if (GeoOperations.inside(coor, otherFeature)) { result.push({feat: otherFeature, overlap: undefined}) } } return result; } if (feature.geometry.type === "LineString") { for (const otherFeature of otherFeatures) { if ( !== undefined && === { continue; } const intersection = GeoOperations.calculateInstersection(feature, otherFeature, featureBBox) if (intersection === null) { continue } result.push({feat: otherFeature, overlap: intersection}) } return result; } if (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon" || feature.geometry.type === "MultiPolygon") { for (const otherFeature of otherFeatures) { if ( === { continue; } if (otherFeature.geometry.type === "Point") { if (this.inside(otherFeature, feature)) { result.push({feat: otherFeature, overlap: undefined}) } continue; } // Calculate the surface area of the intersection const intersection = this.calculateInstersection(feature, otherFeature, featureBBox) if (intersection === null) { continue; } result.push({feat: otherFeature, overlap: intersection}) } return result; } console.error("Could not correctly calculate the overlap of ", feature, ": unsupported type") return result; } public static inside(pointCoordinate, feature): boolean { // ray-casting algorithm based on // if (feature.geometry.type === "Point") { return false; } if (pointCoordinate.geometry !== undefined) { pointCoordinate = pointCoordinate.geometry.coordinates } if (feature.geometry.type === "MultiPolygon") { const coordinates = feature.geometry.coordinates[0]; const outerPolygon = coordinates[0]; const inside = GeoOperations.inside(pointCoordinate, { geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [outerPolygon] } }) if (!inside) { return false; } for (let i = 1; i < coordinates.length; i++) { const inHole = GeoOperations.inside(pointCoordinate, { geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [coordinates[i]] } }) if (inHole) { return false; } } return true; } const x: number = pointCoordinate[0]; const y: number = pointCoordinate[1]; for (let i = 0; i < feature.geometry.coordinates.length; i++) { let poly = feature.geometry.coordinates[i]; let inside = false; for (let i = 0, j = poly.length - 1; i < poly.length; j = i++) { const coori = poly[i]; const coorj = poly[j]; const xi = coori[0]; const yi = coori[1]; const xj = coorj[0]; const yj = coorj[1]; const intersect = ((yi > y) != (yj > y)) && (x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi); if (intersect) { inside = !inside; } } if (inside) { return true; } } return false; }; static lengthInMeters(feature: any) { return turf.length(feature) * 1000 } static buffer(feature: any, bufferSizeInMeter: number) { return turf.buffer(feature, bufferSizeInMeter / 1000, { units:'kilometers' } ) } static bbox(feature: any) { const [lon, lat, lon0, lat0] = turf.bbox(feature) return { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ lon, lat ], [ lon0, lat ], [ lon0, lat0 ], [ lon, lat0 ], [ lon, lat ], ] } } } /** * Generates the closest point on a way from a given point * * The properties object will contain three values: // - `index`: closest point was found on nth line part, // - `dist`: distance between pt and the closest point (in kilometer), // `location`: distance along the line between start (of the line) and the closest point. * @param way The road on which you want to find a point * @param point Point defined as [lon, lat] */ public static nearestPoint(way, point: [number, number]) { if (way.geometry.type === "Polygon") { way = {...way} way.geometry = {...way.geometry} way.geometry.type = "LineString" way.geometry.coordinates = way.geometry.coordinates[0] } return turf.nearestPointOnLine(way, point, {units: "kilometers"}); } public static toCSV(features: any[]): string { const headerValuesSeen = new Set(); const headerValuesOrdered: string[] = [] function addH(key) { if (!headerValuesSeen.has(key)) { headerValuesSeen.add(key) headerValuesOrdered.push(key) } } addH("_lat") addH("_lon") const lines: string[] = [] for (const feature of features) { const properties =; for (const key in properties) { if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } addH(key) } } headerValuesOrdered.sort() for (const feature of features) { const properties =; let line = "" for (const key of headerValuesOrdered) { const value = properties[key] if (value === undefined) { line += "," } else { line += JSON.stringify(value) + "," } } lines.push(line) } return => JSON.stringify(v)).join(",") + "\n" + lines.join("\n") } //Converts given lat/lon in WGS84 Datum to XY in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 public static ConvertWgs84To900913(lonLat: [number, number]): [number, number] { const lon = lonLat[0]; const lat = lonLat[1]; const x = lon * GeoOperations._originShift / 180; let y = Math.log(Math.tan((90 + lat) * Math.PI / 360)) / (Math.PI / 180); y = y * GeoOperations._originShift / 180; return [x, y]; } //Converts XY point from (Spherical) Web Mercator EPSG:3785 (unofficially EPSG:900913) to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum public static Convert900913ToWgs84(lonLat: [number, number]): [number, number] { const lon = lonLat[0] const lat = lonLat[1] const x = 180 * lon / GeoOperations._originShift; let y = 180 * lat / GeoOperations._originShift; y = 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(y * Math.PI / 180)) - Math.PI / 2); return [x, y]; } public static GeoJsonToWGS84(geojson) { return turf.toWgs84(geojson) } /** * Tries to remove points which do not contribute much to the general outline. * Points for which the angle is ~ 180° are removed * @param coordinates * @constructor */ public static SimplifyCoordinates(coordinates: [number, number][]) { const newCoordinates = [] for (let i = 1; i < coordinates.length - 1; i++) { const coordinate = coordinates[i]; const prev = coordinates[i - 1] const next = coordinates[i + 1] const b0 = turf.bearing(prev, coordinate, {final: true}) const b1 = turf.bearing(coordinate, next) const diff = Math.abs(b1 - b0) if (diff < 2) { continue } newCoordinates.push(coordinate) } return newCoordinates } /** * Calculates the intersection between two features. * Returns the length if intersecting a linestring and a (multi)polygon (in meters), returns a surface area (in m²) if intersecting two (multi)polygons * Returns 0 if both are linestrings * Returns null if the features are not intersecting */ static calculateInstersection(feature, otherFeature, featureBBox: BBox, otherFeatureBBox?: BBox): number { try { if (feature.geometry.type === "LineString") { otherFeatureBBox = otherFeatureBBox ?? BBox.get(otherFeature); const overlaps = featureBBox.overlapsWith(otherFeatureBBox) if (!overlaps) { return null; } // Calculate the length of the intersection let intersectionPoints = turf.lineIntersect(feature, otherFeature); if (intersectionPoints.features.length == 0) { // No intersections. // If one point is inside of the polygon, all points are const coors = feature.geometry.coordinates; const startCoor = coors[0] if (this.inside(startCoor, otherFeature)) { return this.lengthInMeters(feature) } return null; } let intersectionPointsArray = => { return d.geometry.coordinates }); if (otherFeature.geometry.type === "LineString") { if (intersectionPointsArray.length > 0) { return 0 } return null; } if (intersectionPointsArray.length == 1) { // We need to add the start- or endpoint of the current feature, depending on which one is embedded const coors = feature.geometry.coordinates; const startCoor = coors[0] if (this.inside(startCoor, otherFeature)) { // The startpoint is embedded intersectionPointsArray.push(startCoor) } else { intersectionPointsArray.push(coors[coors.length - 1]) } } let intersection = turf.lineSlice(turf.point(intersectionPointsArray[0]), turf.point(intersectionPointsArray[1]), feature); if (intersection == null) { return null; } const intersectionSize = turf.length(intersection); // in km return intersectionSize * 1000 } if (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon" || feature.geometry.type === "MultiPolygon") { const otherFeatureBBox = BBox.get(otherFeature); const overlaps = featureBBox.overlapsWith(otherFeatureBBox) if (!overlaps) { return null; } if (otherFeature.geometry.type === "LineString") { return this.calculateInstersection(otherFeature, feature, otherFeatureBBox, featureBBox) } const intersection = turf.intersect(feature, otherFeature); if (intersection == null) { return null; } return turf.area(intersection); // in m² } } catch (exception) { console.warn("EXCEPTION CAUGHT WHILE INTERSECTING: ", exception,"\nThe considered objects are",feature, otherFeature); return undefined } return undefined; } public static AsGpx(feature, generatedWithLayer?: LayerConfig){ const metadata = {} const tags = if(generatedWithLayer !== undefined){ metadata["name"] = generatedWithLayer.title?.GetRenderValue(tags)?.Subs(tags)?.txt metadata["desc"] = "Generated with MapComplete layer " if(tags._backend?.contains("openstreetmap")){ metadata["copyright"]= "Data copyrighted by OpenStreetMap-contributors, freely available under ODbL. See" metadata["author"] = tags["_last_edit:contributor"] metadata["link"]= "" metadata["time"] = tags["_last_edit:timestamp"] }else{ metadata["time"] = new Date().toISOString() } } return togpx(feature, { creator: "MapComplete "+Constants.vNumber, metadata }) } public static IdentifieCommonSegments(coordinatess: [number,number][][] ): { originalIndex: number, segmentShardWith: number[], coordinates: [] }[]{ // An edge. Note that the edge might be reversed to fix the sorting condition: start[0] < end[0] && (start[0] != end[0] || start[0] < end[1]) type edge = {start: [number, number], end: [number, number], intermediate: [number,number][], members: {index:number, isReversed: boolean}[]} // The strategy: // 1. Index _all_ edges from _every_ linestring. Index them by starting key, gather which relations run over them // 2. Join these edges back together - as long as their membership groups are the same // 3. Convert to results const allEdgesByKey = new Map() for (let index = 0; index < coordinatess.length; index++){ const coordinates = coordinatess[index]; for (let i = 0; i < coordinates.length - 1; i++){ const c0 = coordinates[i]; const c1 = coordinates[i + 1] const isReversed = (c0[0] > c1[0]) || (c0[0] == c1[0] && c0[1] > c1[1]) let key : string if(isReversed){ key = ""+c1+";"+c0 }else{ key = ""+c0+";"+c1 } const member = {index, isReversed} if(allEdgesByKey.has(key)){ allEdgesByKey.get(key).members.push(member) continue } let edge : edge; if(!isReversed){ edge = { start : c0, end: c1, members: [member], intermediate: [] } }else{ edge = { start : c1, end: c0, members: [member], intermediate: [] } } allEdgesByKey.set(key, edge) } } // Lets merge them back together! let didMergeSomething = false; let allMergedEdges = Array.from(allEdgesByKey.values()) const allEdgesByStartPoint = new Map() for (const edge of allMergedEdges) { edge.members.sort((m0, m1) => m0.index - m1.index) const kstart = edge.start+"" if(!allEdgesByStartPoint.has(kstart)){ allEdgesByStartPoint.set(kstart, []) } allEdgesByStartPoint.get(kstart).push(edge) } function membersAreCompatible(first:edge, second:edge): boolean{ // There must be an exact match between the members if(first.members === second.members){ return true } if(first.members.length !== second.members.length){ return false } // Members are sorted and have the same length, so we can check quickly for (let i = 0; i < first.members.length; i++) { const m0 = first.members[i] const m1 = second.members[i] if(m0.index !== m1.index || m0.isReversed !== m1.isReversed){ return false } } // Allrigth, they are the same, lets mark this permanently second.members = first.members return true } do{ didMergeSomething = false // We use 'allMergedEdges' as our running list const consumed = new Set() for (const edge of allMergedEdges) { // Can we make this edge longer at the end? if(consumed.has(edge)){ continue } console.log("Considering edge", edge) const matchingEndEdges = allEdgesByStartPoint.get(edge.end+"") console.log("Matchign endpoints:", matchingEndEdges) if(matchingEndEdges === undefined){ continue } for (let i = 0; i < matchingEndEdges.length; i++){ const endEdge = matchingEndEdges[i]; if(consumed.has(endEdge)){ continue } if(!membersAreCompatible(edge, endEdge)){ continue } // We can make the segment longer! didMergeSomething = true console.log("Merging ", edge, "with ", endEdge) edge.intermediate.push(edge.end) edge.end = endEdge.end consumed.add(endEdge) matchingEndEdges.splice(i, 1) break; } } allMergedEdges = allMergedEdges.filter(edge => !consumed.has(edge)); }while(didMergeSomething) return [] } }