/*** * Saves all the features that are passed in to localstorage, so they can be retrieved on the next run * * Technically, more an Actor then a featuresource, but it fits more neatly this ay */ import FeatureSource, {Tiled} from "../FeatureSource"; import {Tiles} from "../../../Models/TileRange"; import {IdbLocalStorage} from "../../Web/IdbLocalStorage"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../UIEventSource"; import LayerConfig from "../../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import {BBox} from "../../BBox"; import SimpleFeatureSource from "../Sources/SimpleFeatureSource"; import FilteredLayer from "../../../Models/FilteredLayer"; export default class SaveTileToLocalStorageActor { private readonly visitedTiles: UIEventSource> private readonly _layer: LayerConfig; private readonly _flayer : FilteredLayer private readonly initializeTime = new Date() constructor(layer: FilteredLayer) { this._flayer = layer this._layer = layer.layerDef this.visitedTiles = IdbLocalStorage.Get("visited_tiles_" + this._layer.id, {defaultValue: new Map(), }) this.visitedTiles.stabilized(100).addCallbackAndRunD(tiles => { for (const key of Array.from(tiles.keys())) { const tileFreshness = tiles.get(key) const toOld = (this.initializeTime.getTime() - tileFreshness.getTime()) > 1000 * this._layer.maxAgeOfCache if(toOld){ // Purge this tile this.SetIdb(key, undefined) console.debug("Purging tile",this._layer.id,key) tiles.delete(key) } } this.visitedTiles.ping() return true; }) } public LoadTilesFromDisk(currentBounds: UIEventSource, registerFreshness: (tileId: number, freshness: Date) => void, registerTile: ((src: FeatureSource & Tiled ) => void)){ const self = this; this.visitedTiles.addCallbackD(tiles => { if(tiles.size === 0){ // We don't do anything yet as probably not yet loaded from disk // We'll unregister later on return; } for (const key of Array.from(tiles.keys())) { const tileFreshness = tiles.get(key) if(tileFreshness > self.initializeTime){ // This tile is loaded by another source continue } registerFreshness(key, tileFreshness) const tileBbox = BBox.fromTileIndex(key) currentBounds.addCallbackAndRunD(bbox => { if(bbox.overlapsWith(tileBbox)){ // The current tile should be loaded from disk this.GetIdb(key).then((features:{feature: any, freshness: Date}[] ) => { console.log("Loaded tile "+self._layer.id+"_"+key+" from disk") const src = new SimpleFeatureSource(self._flayer, key, new UIEventSource<{feature: any; freshness: Date}[]>(features)) registerTile(src) }) return true; // only load once: unregister } }) } return true; // Remove the callback }) } private SetIdb(tileIndex, data){ IdbLocalStorage.SetDirectly(this._layer.id+"_"+tileIndex, data) } private GetIdb(tileIndex){ return IdbLocalStorage.GetDirectly(this._layer.id+"_"+tileIndex) } public addTile(tile: FeatureSource & Tiled){ const self = this tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(features => { const now = new Date() if (features.length > 0) { self.SetIdb(tile.tileIndex, features) } // We _still_ write the time to know that this tile is empty! this.MarkVisited(tile.tileIndex, now) }) } public poison(lon: number, lat: number) { for (let z = 0; z < 25; z++) { const {x, y} = Tiles.embedded_tile(lat, lon, z) const tileId = Tiles.tile_index(z, x, y) this.visitedTiles.data.delete(tileId) } } public MarkVisited(tileId: number, freshness: Date) { this.visitedTiles.data.set(tileId, freshness) this.visitedTiles.ping() } }