  "id": "railway_platforms",
  "name": {
    "en": "Railway Platforms",
    "de": "Bahnsteige",
    "nl": "Treinperrons",
    "fr": "Quais de gare",
    "ca": "Andanes ferroviàries",
    "cs": "Železniční nástupiště"
  "description": {
    "en": "Find every platform in the station, and the train routes that use them.",
    "de": "Finden Sie alle Bahnsteige im Bahnhof und die Zugstrecken, die sie benutzen.",
    "nl": "Vind elk perron in het station, en de routes die ze gebruiken.",
    "fr": "Trouvez tous les quais dans la gare, et les lignes ferroviaires qui les utilisent.",
    "ca": "Trobeu totes les andanes de l'estació i les rutes de tren que les fan servir.",
    "cs": "Najděte všechna nástupiště ve stanici a vlakové trasy, které je používají."
  "source": {
    "osmTags": {
      "or": [
  "minzoom": 18,
  "title": {
    "render": {
      "en": "Platform",
      "de": "Bahnsteig",
      "nl": "Perron",
      "fr": "Quai",
      "ca": "Andana",
      "cs": "Nástupiště",
      "pl": "Peron"
    "mappings": [
        "if": "ref~*",
        "then": {
          "en": "Platform {ref}",
          "de": "Bahnsteig {ref}",
          "nl": "Perron {ref}",
          "fr": "Quai {ref}",
          "ca": "Andana {ref}",
          "cs": "Nástupiště {ref}",
          "pl": "Peron {ref}"
  "pointRendering": [
      "location": [
      "label": {
        "mappings": [
            "if": "ref~*",
            "then": "<div style='background: white; padding: 0.25em; border-radius:0.5em'>{ref}</div>"
      "marker": [
          "icon": "./assets/themes/stations/rail-light.svg"
  "lineRendering": [
      "color": "gray"
  "tagRenderings": [
      "id": "ref",
      "question": {
        "en": "What is the number for this platform?",
        "de": "Wie lautet die Nummer dieses Bahnsteigs?",
        "nl": "Wat is het nummer van dit perron?",
        "fr": "Quel est le numéro de ce quai ?",
        "ca": "Quin és el número d'aquesta andana?",
        "cs": "Jaké je číslo tohoto nástupiště?",
        "pl": "Jaki jest numer tego peronu?"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "ref",
        "type": "string",
        "placeholder": {
          "en": "Platform number",
          "de": "Bahnsteignummer",
          "nl": "Perronnummer",
          "fr": "Numéro de quai",
          "ca": "Nombre d'andana",
          "cs": "Číslo nástupiště",
          "pl": "Numer peronu"
      "render": {
        "en": "Platform {ref}",
        "de": "Bahnsteig {ref}",
        "nl": "Perron {ref}",
        "fr": "Quai {ref}",
        "ca": "Andana {ref}",
        "cs": "Nástupiště {ref}",
        "pl": "Peron {ref}"