/** * A single opening hours range, shown on top of the OH-picker table */ import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {OH, OpeningHour} from "./OpeningHours"; import OpeningHoursPickerTable from "./OpeningHoursPickerTable"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; export default class OpeningHoursRange extends UIElement { private _oh: UIEventSource; private readonly _startTime: BaseUIElement; private readonly _endTime: BaseUIElement; private readonly _deleteRange: BaseUIElement; private readonly _tableId: OpeningHoursPickerTable; constructor(oh: UIEventSource, tableId: OpeningHoursPickerTable) { super(oh); this._tableId = tableId; const self = this; this._oh = oh; this.SetClass("oh-timerange"); oh.addCallbackAndRun(() => { const el = document.getElementById(this.id) as HTMLElement; self.InnerUpdate(el); }) this._deleteRange = Svg.delete_icon_ui() .SetClass("oh-delete-range") .onClick(() => { oh.data.weekday = undefined; oh.ping(); }); this._startTime = new VariableUiElement(oh.map(oh => { return Utils.TwoDigits(oh.startHour) + ":" + Utils.TwoDigits(oh.startMinutes); })).SetClass("oh-timerange-label") this._endTime = new VariableUiElement(oh.map(oh => { return Utils.TwoDigits(oh.endHour) + ":" + Utils.TwoDigits(oh.endMinutes); })).SetClass("oh-timerange-label") } InnerRender(): BaseUIElement { const oh = this._oh.data; if (oh === undefined) { return undefined; } const height = this.getHeight(); let content = [this._deleteRange] if (height > 2) { content = [this._startTime, this._deleteRange, this._endTime]; } return new Combine(content) .SetClass("oh-timerange-inner") } private getHeight(): number { const oh = this._oh.data; let endhour = oh.endHour; if (oh.endHour == 0 && oh.endMinutes == 0) { endhour = 24; } return (endhour - oh.startHour + ((oh.endMinutes - oh.startMinutes) / 60)); } protected InnerUpdate(el: HTMLElement) { if (el == null) { return; } const oh = this._oh.data; if (oh === undefined) { return; } // The header cell containing monday, tuesday, ... const table = this._tableId.ConstructElement() as HTMLTableElement; const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); const rangeStart = table.rows[1].cells[1].getBoundingClientRect().top - bodyRect.top; const rangeEnd = table.rows[table.rows.length - 1].cells[1].getBoundingClientRect().bottom - bodyRect.top; const pixelsPerHour = (rangeEnd - rangeStart) / 24; el.style.top = (pixelsPerHour * OH.startTime(oh)) + "px"; el.style.height = (pixelsPerHour * (OH.endTime(oh) - OH.startTime(oh))) + "px"; } }