import {Store, UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {FixedUiElement} from "../Base/FixedUiElement"; // import Histogram from "../BigComponents/Histogram"; // import {SpecialVisualization} from "../SpecialVisualization"; export class HistogramViz { funcName = "histogram" docs = "Create a histogram for a list of given values, read from the properties." example = "`{histogram('some_key')}` with properties being `{some_key: ['a','b','a','c']} to create a histogram" args = [ { name: "key", doc: "The key to be read and to generate a histogram from", required: true, }, { name: "title", doc: "This text will be placed above the texts (in the first column of the visulasition)", defaultValue: "", }, { name: "countHeader", doc: "This text will be placed above the bars", defaultValue: "", }, { name: "colors*", doc: "(Matches all resting arguments - optional) Matches a regex onto a color value, e.g. `3[a-zA-Z+-]*:#33cc33`", }, ]; constr(state, tagSource: UIEventSource, args: string[]) { let assignColors = undefined if (args.length >= 3) { const colors = [...args] colors.splice(0, 3) const mapping = => { const splitted = c.split(":") const value = splitted.pop() const regex = splitted.join(":") return {regex: "^" + regex + "$", color: value} }) assignColors = (key) => { for (const kv of mapping) { if (key.match(kv.regex) !== null) { return kv.color } } return undefined } } const listSource: Store = => { try { const value = tags[args[0]] if (value === "" || value === undefined) { return undefined } return JSON.parse(value) } catch (e) { console.error( "Could not load histogram: parsing of the list failed: ", e ) return undefined } }) return new FixedUiElement("HISTORGRAM") /* return new Histogram(listSource, args[1], args[2], { assignColor: assignColors, })*/ } }