import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; import * as OsmToGeoJson from "osmtogeojson"; import StaticFeatureSource from "../Sources/StaticFeatureSource"; import PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter from "../PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../UIEventSource"; import FilteredLayer from "../../../Models/FilteredLayer"; import {FeatureSourceForLayer, Tiled} from "../FeatureSource"; import {Tiles} from "../../../Models/TileRange"; import {BBox} from "../../BBox"; import {OsmConnection} from "../../Osm/OsmConnection"; export default class OsmFeatureSource { private readonly _backend: string; public readonly isRunning: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false) private readonly filteredLayers: UIEventSource; private readonly handleTile: (fs: (FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled)) => void; private isActive: UIEventSource; private options: { handleTile: (tile: FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled) => void; isActive: UIEventSource, neededTiles: UIEventSource, state: { readonly osmConnection: OsmConnection; }, markTileVisited?: (tileId: number) => void }; private readonly downloadedTiles = new Set() constructor(options: { handleTile: (tile: FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled) => void; isActive: UIEventSource, neededTiles: UIEventSource, state: { readonly filteredLayers: UIEventSource; readonly osmConnection: OsmConnection; }, markTileVisited?: (tileId: number) => void }) { this.options = options; this._backend = options.state.osmConnection._oauth_config.url; this.filteredLayers = => layers.filter(layer => layer.layerDef.source.geojsonSource === undefined)) this.handleTile = options.handleTile this.isActive = options.isActive const self = this options.neededTiles.addCallbackAndRunD(neededTiles => { if (options.isActive?.data === false) { return; } self.isRunning.setData(true) try { for (const neededTile of neededTiles) { if (self.downloadedTiles.has(neededTile)) { return; } self.downloadedTiles.add(neededTile) Promise.resolve(self.LoadTile(...Tiles.tile_from_index(neededTile)).then(_ => { })) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } self.isRunning.setData(false) }) } private async LoadTile(z, x, y): Promise { if (z > 20) { throw "This is an absurd high zoom level" } const bbox = BBox.fromTile(z, x, y) const url = `${this._backend}/api/0.6/map?bbox=${bbox.minLon},${bbox.minLat},${bbox.maxLon},${bbox.maxLat}` try { console.log("Attempting to get tile", z, x, y, "from the osm api") const osmXml = await, {"accept": "application/xml"}) try { const parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString(osmXml, "text/xml"); console.log("Got tile", z, x, y, "from the osm api") const geojson = OsmToGeoJson.default(parsed, // @ts-ignore { flatProperties: true }); console.log("Tile geojson:", z, x, y, "is", geojson) const index = Tiles.tile_index(z, x, y); new PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter(this.filteredLayers, this.handleTile, new StaticFeatureSource(geojson.features, false), { tileIndex:index } ); if(this.options.markTileVisited){ this.options.markTileVisited(index) } } catch (e) { console.error("Weird error: ", e) } } catch (e) { console.error("Could not download tile", z, x, y, "due to", e, "; retrying with smaller bounds") if (e === "rate limited") { return; } await this.LoadTile(z + 1, x * 2, y * 2) await this.LoadTile(z + 1, 1 + x * 2, y * 2) await this.LoadTile(z + 1, x * 2, 1 + y * 2) await this.LoadTile(z + 1, 1 + x * 2, 1 + y * 2) return; } } }