{ "id": "postboxes", "title": { "en": "Postbox and Post Office Map" }, "shortDescription": { "en": "A map showing postboxes and post offices" }, "description": { "en": "On this map you can find and add data of post offices and post boxes. You can use this map to find where you can mail your next postcard! :)
Spotted an error or is a post box missing? You can edit this map with a free OpenStreetMap account. " }, "language": [ "en" ], "maintainer": "", "icon": "./assets/themes/postboxes/postbox.svg", "version": "0", "startLat": 53.5511, "startLon": 9.9937, "startZoom": 13, "widenFactor": 1.5, "defaultBackgroundId": "CartoDB.Voyager", "clustering": { "maxZoom": 14, "minNeededElements": 100 }, "layers": [ { "id": "postboxes", "name": { "en": "Postboxes" }, "minzoom": 12, "source": { "osmTags": "amenity=post_box" }, "title": { "render": { "en": "Postbox" } }, "description": { "en": "The layer showing postboxes." }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "id": "minimap", "render": "{minimap(18): height: 5rem; overflow: hidden; border-radius:3rem; }" } ], "icon": { "render": "./assets/themes/postboxes/postbox.svg" }, "width": { "render": "1" }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,bottom" }, "color": { "render": "#DADADA" }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=post_box" ], "title": { "en": "postbox" } } ], "wayHandling": 2, "deletion": { "softDeletionTags": { "and": [ "amenity=", "razed:amenity=post_box" ] } }, "mapRendering": [ { "icon": { "render": "./assets/themes/postboxes/postbox.svg" }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,bottom" }, "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ] }, { "id": "postoffices", "name": { "en": "Post offices" }, "minzoom": 12, "source": { "osmTags": "amenity=post_office" }, "title": { "render": { "en": "Post Office" } }, "description": { "en": "A layer showing post offices." }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "id": "minimap", "render": "{minimap(18): height: 5rem; overflow: hidden; border-radius:3rem; }" }, { "render": { "en": "Opening Hours: {opening_hours_table()}" }, "freeform": { "key": "opening_hours", "type": "opening_hours" }, "question": { "en": "What are the opening hours for this post office?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "opening_hours=24/7", "then": { "en": "24/7 opened (including holidays)" } } ], "id": "OH" } ], "icon": { "render": "square:white;./assets/themes/postboxes/post_office.svg" }, "iconOverlays": [ { "if": "opening_hours~*", "then": "isOpen", "badge": true } ], "width": { "render": "1" }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,bottom" }, "color": { "render": "#DADADA" }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=post_office" ], "title": { "en": "Post Office" } } ], "wayHandling": 2, "filter": [ { "id": "is_open", "options": [ { "question": { "en": "Currently open" }, "osmTags": "_isOpen=yes" } ] } ], "mapRendering": [ { "icon": { "render": "square:white;./assets/themes/postboxes/post_office.svg" }, "iconOverlays": [ { "if": "opening_hours~*", "then": "isOpen", "badge": true } ], "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,bottom" }, "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ] } ] }