{ "advanced": { "title": "Advanced features" }, "centerMessage": { "allFilteredAway": "No feature in view meets all filters", "loadingData": "Loading data…", "noData": "There are no relevant features in the current view", "ready": "Done!", "retrying": "Loading data failed. Trying again in {count} seconds…", "zoomIn": "Zoom in to view or edit the data" }, "communityIndex": { "available": "This community speaks {native}", "intro": "Get in touch with other people to get to know them, learn from them, …", "notAvailable": "This community does not speak {native}", "title": "Get in touch with others" }, "delete": { "cancel": "Cancel", "cannotBeDeleted": "This feature can not be deleted", "delete": "Delete", "explanations": { "hardDelete": "This feature will be deleted in OpenStreetMap. It can be recovered by an experienced contributor", "retagNoOtherThemes": "This feature will be reclassified and hidden from this application", "retagOtherThemes": "This feature will be retagged and visible in {otherThemes}", "selectReason": "Please, select why this feature should be deleted", "softDelete": "This feature will be updated and hidden from this application. {reason}" }, "isDeleted": "This feature is deleted", "isntAPoint": "Only nodes can be deleted, the selected feature is a way, area or relation.", "loading": "Inspecting properties to check if this feature can be deleted.", "loginToDelete": "You must be logged in to delete a feature", "notEnoughExperience": "This feature was made by someone else.", "onlyEditedByLoggedInUser": "This feature has only been edited by yourself, you can safely delete it.", "partOfOthers": "This node is part of some way or relation and can not be deleted directly.", "readMessages": "You have unread messages. Read these before deleting a feature - someone might have feedback", "reasons": { "disused": "This feature is disused or removed", "duplicate": "This feature is a duplicate of another feature", "notFound": "This feature couldn't be found", "test": "This was a testing feature - the feature was never actually there" }, "safeDelete": "This feature can be safely deleted.", "useSomethingElse": "Use another OpenStreetMap-editor to delete it instead", "whyDelete": "Why should this feature be deleted?" }, "favourite": { "loginNeeded": "
All data is provided by OpenStreetMap, freely reusable under the Open DataBase License.
", "attributionTitle": "Attribution notice", "codeContributionsBy": "MapComplete has been built by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors", "donate": "Support MapComplete financially", "editId": "Open the OpenStreetMap online editor here", "editJosm": "Edit here with JOSM", "followOnMastodon": "Follow MapComplete on Mastodon", "iconAttribution": { "title": "Used icons" }, "josmNotOpened": "JOSM could not be reached. Make sure it is opened and remote control is enabled", "josmOpened": "JOSM is opened", "mapContributionsBy": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors}", "mapContributionsByAndHidden": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors", "mapDataByOsm": "Map data: OpenStreetMap", "mapillaryHelp": "Mapillary is an online service which gathers street-level pictures and offers them under a free license. Contributors are allowed to use these pictures to improve OpenStreetMap", "openIssueTracker": "File a bug", "openMapillary": "Open Mapillary here", "openOsmcha": "See latest edits made with {theme}", "themeBy": "Theme maintained by {author}", "title": "Copyright and attribution", "translatedBy": "MapComplete has been translated by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors" }, "back": "Back", "backToIndex": "Go back to the overview with all thematic maps", "backgroundMap": "Select a background layer", "backgroundSwitch": "Switch background", "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Confirm", "customThemeIntro": "One that everyone can use and edit freely. A single place to store all geo-info. Different, small, incompatible and outdated maps are not needed anywhere.
OpenStreetMap is not the enemy map. The map data can be used freely (with attribution and publication of changes to that data). Everyone can add new data and fix errors. This website uses OpenStreetMap. All the data is from there, and your answers and corrections are used all over.
Many people and apps already use OpenStreetMap: Organic Maps, OsmAnd, but also the maps at Facebook, Instagram, Apple-maps and Bing-maps are (partly) powered by OpenStreetMap.
", "openTheMap": "Open the map", "openTheMapAtGeolocation": "Zoom to your location", "opening_hours": { "closed_permanently": "Closed for an unkown duration", "closed_until": "Closed until {date}", "error_loading": "Error: could not visualize these opening hours.", "loadingCountry": "Determining country…", "not_all_rules_parsed": "These opening hours are complicated. The following rules are ignored in the input element:", "openTill": "till", "open_24_7": "Open around the clock", "open_during_ph": "During a public holiday, this is", "opensAt": "from", "ph_closed": "closed", "ph_not_known": " ", "ph_open": "open", "ph_open_as_usual": "open, as usual" }, "osmLinkTooltip": "Browse this object on OpenStreetMap for history and more editing options", "pdf": { "attr": "Map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors, reusable under ODbL", "attrBackground": "Background layer: {background}", "generatedWith": "Generated with mapcomplete.org/{layoutid}", "versionInfo": "v{version} - generated on {date}" }, "pickLanguage": "Choose a language: ", "poweredByOsm": "Powered by OpenStreetMap", "questionBox": { "answeredMultiple": "You answered {answered} questions", "answeredMultipleSkippedMultiple": "You answered {answered} questions and skipped {skipped} questions", "answeredMultipleSkippedOne": "You answered {answered} questions and skipped one question", "answeredOne": "You answered one question", "answeredOneSkippedMultiple": "You answered one question and skipped {skipped} questions", "answeredOneSkippedOne": "You answered one and skipped one question", "done": "No more questions! Thank you!", "reactivate": "Reactivate skipped questions", "skippedMultiple": "You skipped {skipped} questions", "skippedOne": "You skipped one question" }, "questions": { "emailIs": "The email address of this {category} is {email}", "emailOf": "What is the email address of {category}?", "phoneNumberIs": "The phone number of this {category} is {phone}", "phoneNumberOf": "What is the phone number of {category}?", "websiteIs": "Website: {website}", "websiteOf": "What is the website of {category}?" }, "readYourMessages": "Please, read all your OpenStreetMap-messages before adding a new feature.", "removeLocationHistory": "Delete the location history", "returnToTheMap": "Return to the map", "save": "Save", "screenToSmall": "Open {theme} in a new window", "search": { "error": "Something went wrong…", "nothing": "Nothing found…", "search": "Search a location", "searchShort": "Search…", "searching": "Searching…" }, "sharescreen": { "addToHomeScreen": "