import ScrollableFullScreen from "../Base/ScrollableFullScreen" import Translations from "../i18n/Translations" import { OsmConnection } from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import Combine from "../Base/Combine" import { SubtleButton } from "../Base/SubtleButton" import Svg from "../../Svg" import { VariableUiElement } from "../Base/VariableUIElement" import Img from "../Base/Img" import { FixedUiElement } from "../Base/FixedUiElement" import Link from "../Base/Link" import { Store, UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import Loc from "../../Models/Loc" import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement" import Showdown from "showdown" import LanguagePicker from "../LanguagePicker" import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig" import Constants from "../../Models/Constants" import EditableTagRendering from "../Popup/EditableTagRendering" import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig" import { SaveButton } from "../Popup/SaveButton" import { TagUtils } from "../../Logic/Tags/TagUtils" import * as usersettings from "../../assets/generated/layers/usersettings.json" import { LoginToggle } from "../Popup/LoginButton" import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" import * as translators from "../../assets/translators.json" import * as codeContributors from "../../assets/contributors.json" export class ImportViewerLinks extends VariableUiElement { constructor(osmConnection: OsmConnection) { super( => { if (ud.csCount < Constants.userJourney.importHelperUnlock) { return undefined } return new Combine([ new SubtleButton(undefined, Translations.t.importHelper.title, { url: "import_helper.html", }), new SubtleButton(Svg.note_svg(), Translations.t.importInspector.title, { url: "import_viewer.html", }), ]) }) ) } } class SingleUserSettingsPanel extends EditableTagRendering { constructor( config: TagRenderingConfig, osmConnection: OsmConnection, amendedPrefs: UIEventSource, userInfoFocusedQuestion?: UIEventSource ) { const editMode = new UIEventSource(false) // Isolate the preferences. THey'll be updated explicitely later on anyway super( amendedPrefs, config, [], { osmConnection }, { answerElementClasses: "p-2", editMode, createSaveButton: (store) => new SaveButton(amendedPrefs, osmConnection).onClick(() => { const selection = TagUtils.FlattenMultiAnswer( TagUtils.FlattenAnd(, ).asChange( for (const kv of selection) { osmConnection.GetPreference(kv.k, "", "").setData(kv.v) } editMode.setData(false) }), } ) const self = this this.SetClass("rounded-xl") userInfoFocusedQuestion.addCallbackAndRun((selected) => { if ( !== selected) { self.RemoveClass("glowing-shadow") } else { self.SetClass("glowing-shadow") } }) } } class UserInformationMainPanel extends VariableUiElement { private readonly settings: UIEventSource> private readonly userInfoFocusedQuestion?: UIEventSource constructor( osmConnection: OsmConnection, locationControl: UIEventSource, layout: LayoutConfig, isOpened: UIEventSource, userInfoFocusedQuestion?: UIEventSource ) { const t = Translations.t.userinfo const imgSize = "h-6 w-6" const ud = osmConnection.userDetails const settings = new UIEventSource>({}) const usersettingsConfig = new LayerConfig(usersettings, "userinformationpanel") const amendedPrefs = new UIEventSource({}) osmConnection.preferencesHandler.preferences.addCallback((newPrefs) => { for (const k in newPrefs) {[k] = newPrefs[k] } }) osmConnection.userDetails.addCallback((userDetails) => { for (const k in userDetails) {["_" + k] = "" + userDetails[k] } for (const [name, code, _] of usersettingsConfig.calculatedTags) { try { let result = new Function("feat", "return " + code + ";")({ properties:, }) if (result !== undefined && result !== "" && result !== null) { if (typeof result !== "string") { result = JSON.stringify(result) }[name] = result } } catch (e) { console.error( "Calculating a tag for userprofile-settings failed for variable", name, e ) } } const simplifiedName =\s+/g, "") const isTranslator = translators.contributors.find( (c: { contributor: string; commits: number }) => { const replaced = c.contributor.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, "") return replaced === simplifiedName } ) if (isTranslator) {["_translation_contributions"] = "" + isTranslator.commits } const isCodeContributor = codeContributors.contributors.find( (c: { contributor: string; commits: number }) => { const replaced = c.contributor.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, "") return replaced === simplifiedName } ) if (isCodeContributor) {["_code_contributions"] = "" + isCodeContributor.commits } }) super( => { let img: BaseUIElement = Svg.person_ui().SetClass("block") if (ud.img !== undefined) { img = new Img(ud.img) } img.SetClass("rounded-full h-12 w-12 m-4") let description: BaseUIElement = undefined const editLink = osmConnection.Backend() + "/profile/edit" if (ud.description) { const editButton = new Link( Svg.pencil_svg().SetClass("h-4 w-4"), editLink, true ).SetClass( "absolute block bg-subtle rounded-full p-2 bottom-2 right-2 w-min self-end" ) const htmlString = new Showdown.Converter() .makeHtml(ud.description) .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/</g, "<") description = new Combine([ new FixedUiElement(htmlString).SetClass("link-underline"), editButton, ]).SetClass("relative w-full m-2") } else { description = new Combine([ t.noDescription, new SubtleButton(Svg.pencil_svg(), t.noDescriptionCallToAction, { imgSize, url: editLink, newTab: true, }), ]).SetClass("w-full m-2") } let panToHome: BaseUIElement if (ud.home) { panToHome = new SubtleButton(Svg.home_svg(), t.moveToHome, { imgSize, }).onClick(() => { const home = ud?.home if (home === undefined) { return } locationControl.setData({ ...home, zoom: 16 }) isOpened.setData(false) }) } const settingElements = [] for (const c of usersettingsConfig.tagRenderings) { const settingsPanel = new SingleUserSettingsPanel( c, osmConnection, amendedPrefs, userInfoFocusedQuestion ).SetClass("block my-4")[] = settingsPanel settingElements.push(settingsPanel) } return new Combine([ new Combine([img, description]).SetClass("flex border border-black rounded-md"), new LanguagePicker( layout.language, Translations.t.general.pickLanguage.Clone() ), ...settingElements, new SubtleButton( Svg.envelope_svg(), new Combine([ t.gotoInbox, ud.unreadMessages == 0 ? undefined : t.newMessages.SetClass("alert block"), ]), { imgSize, url: `${ud.backend}/messages/inbox`, newTab: true } ), new SubtleButton(Svg.gear_svg(), t.gotoSettings, { imgSize, url: `${ud.backend}/user/${encodeURIComponent(}/account`, newTab: true, }), panToHome, new ImportViewerLinks(osmConnection), new SubtleButton(Svg.logout_svg(), Translations.t.general.logout, { imgSize, }).onClick(() => { osmConnection.LogOut() }), ]) }) ) this.SetClass("flex flex-col") this.settings = settings this.userInfoFocusedQuestion = userInfoFocusedQuestion const self = this userInfoFocusedQuestion.addCallbackD((_) => { self.focusOnSelectedQuestion() }) } public focusOnSelectedQuestion() { const focusedId = console.log("Focusing on", focusedId,[focusedId]) if (focusedId === undefined) { return }[focusedId]?.ScrollIntoView() } } export default class UserInformationPanel extends ScrollableFullScreen { private readonly userPanel: UserInformationMainPanel constructor( state: { readonly layoutToUse: LayoutConfig readonly osmConnection: OsmConnection readonly locationControl: UIEventSource readonly featureSwitchUserbadge: Store }, options?: { isOpened?: UIEventSource userInfoFocusedQuestion?: UIEventSource } ) { const isOpened = options?.isOpened ?? new UIEventSource(false) const userPanel = new UserInformationMainPanel( state.osmConnection, state.locationControl, state.layoutToUse, isOpened, options?.userInfoFocusedQuestion ) super( () => { return new VariableUiElement( => { if (ud.loggedIn === false) { return Translations.t.userinfo.titleNotLoggedIn } return Translations.t.userinfo.welcome.Subs(ud) }) ) }, () => new LoginToggle(userPanel, Translations.t.general.getStartedLogin, state), "userinfo", isOpened ) this.userPanel = userPanel } Activate() { super.Activate() this.userPanel?.focusOnSelectedQuestion() } }