import {Conversion} from "./Conversion" import LayerConfig from "../LayerConfig" import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Json/LayerConfigJson" import Translations from "../../../UI/i18n/Translations" import PointRenderingConfigJson from "../Json/PointRenderingConfigJson" import {Translation, TypedTranslation} from "../../../UI/i18n/Translation" export default class CreateNoteImportLayer extends Conversion<LayerConfigJson, LayerConfigJson> { /** * A closed note is included if it is less then 'n'-days closed * @private */ private readonly _includeClosedNotesDays: number constructor(includeClosedNotesDays = 0) { super( [ "Advanced conversion which deducts a layer showing all notes that are 'importable' (i.e. a note that contains a link to some MapComplete theme, with hash '#import').", "The import buttons and matches will be based on the presets of the given theme", ].join("\n\n"), [], "CreateNoteImportLayer" ) this._includeClosedNotesDays = includeClosedNotesDays } convert(layerJson: LayerConfigJson, context: string): { result: LayerConfigJson } { const t = Translations.t.importLayer /** * The note itself will contain `tags=k=v;k=v;k=v;... * This must be matched with a regex. * This is a simple JSON-object as how it'll be put into the layerConfigJson directly */ const isShownIfAny: any[] = [] const layer = new LayerConfig(layerJson, "while constructing a note-import layer") for (const preset of layer.presets) { const mustMatchAll = [] for (const tag of preset.tags) { const key = tag.key const value = tag.value const condition = "_tags~(^|.*;)" + key + "=" + value + "($|;.*)" mustMatchAll.push(condition) } isShownIfAny.push({ and: mustMatchAll }) } const pointRenderings = (layerJson.mapRendering ?? []).filter( (r) => r !== null && r["location"] !== undefined ) const firstRender = <PointRenderingConfigJson>pointRenderings[0] if (firstRender === undefined) { throw `Layer ${} does not have a pointRendering: ` + context } const title = layer.presets[0].title const importButton = {} { const translations = trs(t.importButton, { layerId:, title: layer.presets[0].title, }) for (const key in translations) { if (key !== "_context") { importButton[key] = "{" + translations[key] + "}" } else { importButton[key] = translations[key] } } } function embed(prefix, translation: Translation, postfix) { const result = {} for (const language in translation.translations) { result[language] = prefix + translation.translations[language] + postfix } result["_context"] = translation.context return result } function tr(translation: Translation) { return { ...translation.translations, _context: translation.context } } function trs<T>(translation: TypedTranslation<T>, subs: T): Record<string, string> { return { ...translation.Subs(subs).translations, _context: translation.context } } const result: LayerConfigJson = { id: "note_import_" +, // By disabling the name, the import-layers won't pollute the filter view "name": t.layerName.Subs({title: layer.title.render}).translations, description: trs(t.description, { title: layer.title.render }), source: { osmTags: { and: ["id~*"], }, geoJson: "" + this._includeClosedNotesDays + "&bbox={x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}", geoJsonZoomLevel: 10, maxCacheAge: 0, }, minzoom: Math.min(12, layerJson.minzoom - 2), title: { render: trs(t.popupTitle, { title }), }, calculatedTags: [ "_first_comment=feat.get('comments')[0].text.toLowerCase()", "_trigger_index=(() => {const lines =['_first_comment'].split('\\n'); const matchesMapCompleteURL = => l.match(\".*\\([a-zA-Z_-]+\\)\\(.html\\)?.*#import\")); const matchedIndexes =, i) => [doesMatch !== null, i]).filter(v => v[0]).map(v => v[1]); return matchedIndexes[0] })()", "_comments_count=feat.get('comments').length", "_intro=(() => {const lines = feat.get('comments')[0].text.split('\\n'); lines.splice(feat.get('_trigger_index')-1, lines.length); return lines.filter(l => l !== '').join('<br/>');})()", "_tags=(() => {let lines = feat.get('comments')[0].text.split('\\n').map(l => l.trim()); lines.splice(0, feat.get('_trigger_index') + 1); lines = lines.filter(l => l != ''); return lines.join(';');})()", ], isShown: { and: ["_trigger_index~*", { or: isShownIfAny }], }, titleIcons: [ { render: "<a href='{id}' target='_blank'><img src='./assets/svg/osm-logo-us.svg'></a>", }, ], tagRenderings: [ { id: "Intro", render: "{_intro}", }, { id: "conversation", render: "{visualize_note_comments(comments,1)}", condition: "_comments_count>1", }, { id: "import", render: importButton, condition: "closed_at=", }, { id: "close_note_", render: embed( "{close_note(", t.notFound.Subs({ title }), ", ./assets/svg/close.svg, id, This feature does not exist, 18)}" ), condition: "closed_at=", }, { id: "close_note_mapped", render: embed( "{close_note(", t.alreadyMapped.Subs({ title }), ", ./assets/svg/duplicate.svg, id, Already mapped, 18)}" ), condition: "closed_at=", }, { id: "handled", render: tr(t.importHandled), condition: "closed_at~*", }, { id: "comment", render: "{add_note_comment()}", }, { id: "add_image", render: "{add_image_to_note()}", }, { id: "nearby_images", render: tr(t.nearbyImagesIntro), }, ], mapRendering: [ { location: ["point"], icon: { render: "circle:white;help:black", mappings: [ { if: { or: ["closed_at~*", "_imported=yes"] }, then: "circle:white;checkmark:black", }, ], }, iconSize: "40,40,center", }, ], } return { result, } } }