import {existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs"; import ScriptUtils from "../../scripts/ScriptUtils"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import {exec} from "child_process" import {GeoOperations} from "../../Logic/GeoOperations"; ScriptUtils.fixUtils() class StatsDownloader { private readonly startYear = 2020 private readonly startMonth = 5; private readonly urlTemplate = "{start_date}&date__lte={end_date}&page={page}&comment=%23mapcomplete&page_size=100" private readonly _targetDirectory: string; constructor(targetDirectory = ".") { this._targetDirectory = targetDirectory; } public async DownloadStats() { const today = new Date(); const currentYear = today.getFullYear() const currentMonth = today.getMonth() + 1 for (let year = this.startYear; year <= currentYear; year++) { for (let month = 1; month <= 12; month++) { if (year === this.startYear && month < this.startMonth) { continue; } if (year === currentYear && month > currentMonth) { break } const pathM = `${this._targetDirectory}/stats.${year}-${month}.json` if (existsSync(pathM)) { continue; } for (let day = 1; day <= 31; day++) { if (year === currentYear && month === currentMonth && day === today.getDate() ) { break; } const path = `${this._targetDirectory}/stats.${year}-${month}-${(day < 10 ? "0" : "") + day}.json` if(existsSync(path)){ console.log("Skipping ", path,": already exists") continue } try{ await this.DownloadStatsForDay(year, month, day, path) }catch(e){ console.error(e) console.error("Could not download "+year+"-"+month+"-"+day+"... Trying again") try{ await this.DownloadStatsForDay(year, month, day, path) }catch(e){ console.error("Could not download "+year+"-"+month+"-"+day+", skipping for now") } } } } } } public async DownloadStatsForDay(year: number, month: number, day: number, path: string) { let page = 1; let allFeatures = [] let endDay = new Date(year,month - 1 /* Zero-indexed: 0 = january*/,day + 1); let endDate = `${endDay.getFullYear()}-${Utils.TwoDigits(endDay.getMonth()+1)}-${Utils.TwoDigits(endDay.getDate())}` let url = this.urlTemplate.replace("{start_date}", year + "-" + Utils.TwoDigits(month) + "-" + Utils.TwoDigits(day)) .replace("{end_date}", endDate) .replace("{page}", "" + page) let headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Referer': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token 6e422e2afedb79ef66573982012000281f03dc91', 'DNT': '1', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'TE': 'Trailers', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' } while (url) { ScriptUtils.erasableLog(`Downloading stats for ${year}-${month}-${day}, page ${page} ${url}`) const result = await Utils.downloadJson(url, headers) page++; allFeatures.push(...result.features) if (result.features === undefined) { console.log("ERROR", result) return } url = } console.log(`Writing ${allFeatures.length} features to `, path, Utils.Times(_ => " ", 80)) allFeatures = Utils.NoNull(allFeatures) allFeatures.forEach(f => { = }) writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify({ features: allFeatures }, undefined, 2)) } } interface ChangeSetData { "id": number, "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [number, number][][] }, "properties": { "check_user": null, "reasons": [], "tags": [], "features": [], "user": string, "uid": string, "editor": string, "comment": string, "comments_count": number, "source": string, "imagery_used": string, "date": string, "reviewed_features": [], "create": number, "modify": number, "delete": number, "area": number, "is_suspect": boolean, "harmful": any, "checked": boolean, "check_date": any, "metadata": { "host": string, "theme": string, "imagery": string, "language": string } } } interface PlotSpec { name: string, interpetKeysAs: "date" | "number" | "string" | string plot: { type: "pie" | "bar" | "line" count: { key: string, value: number }[] } | { type: "stacked-bar" count: { label: string, values: { key: string | Date, value: number }[], color?: string }[] }, render(): Promise } function createGraph( title: string, ...options: PlotSpec[]): Promise { console.log("Creating graph", title, "...") const process = exec("python3 Docs/Tools/ \"graphs/" + title + "\"", ((error, stdout, stderr) => { console.log("Python: ", stdout) if (error !== null) { console.error(error) } if (stderr !== "") { console.error(stderr) } })) for (const option of options) { const d = JSON.stringify(option) + "\n" process.stdin._write(d, "utf-8", undefined) } process.stdin._write("\n", "utf-8", undefined) return new Promise((resolve) => { process.on("exit", () => resolve()) }) } class Histogram { public counts: Map = new Map() private sortAtEnd: K[] = [] constructor(keys?: K[]) { const self = this keys?.forEach(key => self.bump(key)) } total(): number { let total = 0 Array.from(this.counts.values()).forEach(i => total = total + i) return total } public bump(key: K, increase = 1) { if (this.counts.has(key)) { this.counts.set(key, increase + this.counts.get(key)) } else { this.counts.set(key, increase) } } /** * Adds all the values of the given histogram to this histogram * @param hist */ public bumpHist(hist: Histogram) { const self = this hist.counts.forEach((value, key) => { self.bump(key, value) }) } /** * Creates a new histogram. All entries with less then 'cutoff' count are lumped together into the 'other' category */ public createOthersCategory(otherName: K, cutoff: number | ((key: K, value: number) => boolean) = 15): Histogram { const hist = new Histogram() hist.sortAtEnd.push(otherName) if (typeof cutoff === "number") { this.counts.forEach((value, key) => { if (value <= cutoff) { hist.bump(otherName, value) } else { hist.bump(key, value) } }) } else { this.counts.forEach((value, key) => { if (cutoff(key, value)) { hist.bump(otherName, value) } else { hist.bump(key, value) } }) } return hist; } public addCountToName(): Histogram { const self = this; const hist = new Histogram() hist.sortAtEnd = => `${name} (${self.counts.get(name)})`) this.counts.forEach((value, key) => { hist.bump(`${key} (${value})`, value) }) return hist; } public Clone(): Histogram { const hist = new Histogram() hist.bumpHist(this) hist.sortAtEnd = [...this.sortAtEnd]; return hist; } public keyToDate(addMissingDays: boolean = false): Histogram { const hist = new Histogram() hist.sortAtEnd = => new Date("" + name)) let earliest = undefined; let latest = undefined; this.counts.forEach((value, key) => { const d = new Date("" + key); if (earliest === undefined) { earliest = d } else if (d < earliest) { earliest = d } if (latest === undefined) { latest = d } else if (d > latest) { latest = d } hist.bump(d, value) }) if (addMissingDays) { while (earliest < latest) { earliest.setDate(earliest.getDate() + 1) hist.bump(earliest, 0) } } return hist } public asRunningAverages(convertToRange: ((key: K) => K[])) { const newCount = new Histogram() const self = this this.counts.forEach((_, key) => { const keysToCheck = convertToRange(key) let sum = 0 for (const k of keysToCheck) { sum += self.counts.get(k) ?? 0 } newCount.bump(key, sum / keysToCheck.length) }) return newCount } /** * Given a histogram: * 'a': 3 * 'b': 5 * 'c': 3 * 'd': 1 * * This will create a new histogram, which counts how much every count occurs, thus: * 5: 1 // as only 'b' had 5 counts * 3: 2 // as both 'a' and 'c' had 3 counts * 1: 1 // as only 'd' has 1 count */ public binPerCount(): Histogram { const hist = new Histogram() this.counts.forEach((value) => { hist.bump(value) }) return hist; } public stringifyName(): Histogram { const hist = new Histogram() this.counts.forEach((value, key) => { hist.bump("" + key, value) }) return hist; } public asPie(options: { name: string compare?: (a: K, b: K) => number }): PlotSpec { const self = this const entriesArray = Array.from(this.counts.entries()) let type: string = (typeof entriesArray[0][0]) if (entriesArray[0][0] instanceof Date) { type = "date" } const entries = => { return ({key: kv[0], value: kv[1]}); }) if ( { entries.sort((a, b) =>, b.key)) } else { entries.sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value) } entries.sort((a, b) => self.sortAtEnd.indexOf(a.key) - self.sortAtEnd.indexOf(b.key)) const graph: PlotSpec = { name:, interpetKeysAs: type, plot: { type: "pie", count: => { if (kv.key instanceof Date) { return ({key: kv.key.toISOString(), value: kv.value}) } return ({key: kv.key + "", value: kv.value}); }) }, render: undefined } graph.render = async () => await createGraph(, graph) return graph; } public asBar(options: { name: string compare?: (a: K, b: K) => number, color?: string }): PlotSpec { const spec = this.asPie(options) spec.plot.type = "bar" spec.plot["color"] = options.color return spec; } public asLine(options: { name: string compare?: (a: K, b: K) => number }) { const spec = this.asPie(options) spec.plot.type = "line" return spec } } /** * A group keeps track of a matrix of changes, e.g. * 'All contributors per day'. This will be stored internally, e.g. as {'2022-03-16' --> ['Pieter Vander Vennet', 'Pieter Vander Vennet', 'Joost Schouppe', 'Pieter Vander Vennet', 'dentonny', ...]} */ class Group { public groups: Map = new Map() constructor(features?: any[], fkey?: (feature: any) => K, fvalue?: (feature: any) => V) { const self = this; features?.forEach(f => { self.bump(fkey(f), fvalue(f)) }) } public static createStackedBarChartPerDay(name: string, features: any, extractV: (feature: any) => string, minNeededTotal = 1): void { const perDay = new Group( features, f =>, 10), extractV ) createGraph( name, ...Array.from( stackHists( perDay.asGroupedHists() .filter(tpl => tpl[1].total() > minNeededTotal) .map(tpl => [`${tpl[0]} (${tpl[1].total()})`, tpl[1]]) ) ) .map( tpl => { const [name, hist] = tpl return hist .keyToDate(true) .asBar({ name: name }); } ) ) } public bump(key: K, value: V) { if (!this.groups.has(key)) { this.groups.set(key, []) } this.groups.get(key).push(value) } public asHist(dedup = false): Histogram { const hist = new Histogram() this.groups.forEach((values, key) => { if (dedup) { hist.bump(key, new Set(values).size) } else { hist.bump(key, values.length) } }) return hist } /** * Given a group, creates a kind of histogram. * E.g: if the Group is {'2022-03-16' --> ['Pieter Vander Vennet', 'Pieter Vander Vennet', 'Seppe Santens']}, the resulting 'groupedHists' will be: * [['Pieter Vander Vennet', {'2022-03-16' --> 2}],['Seppe Santens', {'2022-03-16' --> 1}]] */ asGroupedHists(): [V, Histogram][] { const allHists = new Map>() const allValues = new Set(); Array.from(this.groups.values()).forEach(vs => vs.forEach(v => { allValues.add(v) }) ) allValues.forEach(v => allHists.set(v, new Histogram())) this.groups.forEach((values, key) => { values.forEach(v => { allHists.get(v).bump(key) }) }) return Array.from(allHists.entries()) } } /** * * @param hists */ function stackHists(hists: [V, Histogram][]): [V, Histogram][] { const runningTotals = new Histogram() const result: [V, Histogram][] = [] hists.forEach(vhist => { const hist = vhist[1] const clone = hist.Clone() clone.bumpHist(runningTotals) runningTotals.bumpHist(hist) result.push([vhist[0], clone]) }) result.reverse(/* Changes in place, safe copy*/) return result } /** * Given histograms which should be shown as bars on top of each other, creates a new list of histograms with adjusted heights in order to create a coherent sum * e.g.: for a given day, there are 2 deletions, 3 additions and 5 answers, this will be ordered as 2, 5 and 10 in order to mimic a coherent bar * @param hists */ function stackHistsSimple(hists: Histogram[]): Histogram[] { const runningTotals = new Histogram() const result: Histogram[] = [] for (const hist of hists) { const clone = hist.Clone() clone.bumpHist(runningTotals) // "Copies" one histogram into the other runningTotals.bumpHist(hist) result.push(clone) } result.reverse(/* Changes in place, safe copy*/) return result } function createActualChangesGraph(allFeatures: ChangeSetData[], appliedFilterDescription: string) { const metadataOptions = { "answer": "#5b5bdc", "create": "#46ea46", "move": "#ffa600", "deletion": "#ff0000", "soft-delete": "#ff8888", "add-image": "#8888ff", "import": "#00ff00", "conflation": "#ffff00", "split": "#000000", "relation-fix": "#cccccc", "delete-image": "#ff00ff" } const metadataKeys: string[] = Object.keys(metadataOptions) const histograms: Map> = new Map>() // {metakey --> Histogram} allFeatures.forEach(f => { const day =, 10) for (const key of metadataKeys) { const v =[key] if (v === undefined) { continue } const count = Number(v) if (isNaN(count)) { continue } if (!histograms.has(key)) { histograms.set(key, new Histogram()) } histograms.get(key).bump(day, count) } }) const entries = stackHists(Array.from(histograms.entries())) const allGraphs =[name, stackedHist]) => { const hist = histograms.get(name) return stackedHist .keyToDate(true) .asBar({name: `${name} (${})`, color: metadataOptions[name]}); } ) createGraph("Actual changes" + appliedFilterDescription, ...allGraphs) } async function createGraphs(allFeatures: ChangeSetData[], appliedFilterDescription: string, cutoff = undefined) { const hist = new Histogram( => await hist .createOthersCategory("other", cutoff ?? 20) .addCountToName() .asBar({name: "Changesets per theme (bar)" + appliedFilterDescription}) .render() await new Histogram( => .binPerCount() .stringifyName() .createOthersCategory("25 or more", (key, _) => Number(key) >= (cutoff ?? 25)).asBar( { compare: (a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b), name: "Contributors per changeset count" + appliedFilterDescription }) .render() const csPerDay = new Histogram( =>, 10))) const perDayLine = csPerDay .keyToDate() .asLine({ compare: (a, b) => a.getTime() - b.getTime(), name: "Changesets per day" + appliedFilterDescription }) const perDayAvg = csPerDay.asRunningAverages(key => { const keys = [] for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const otherDay = new Date(new Date(key).getTime() - i * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) keys.push(otherDay.toISOString().substr(0, 10)) } return keys }) .keyToDate(true) .asLine({ compare: (a, b) => a.getTime() - b.getTime(), name: "Rolling 7 day average" + appliedFilterDescription }) const perDayAvgMonth = csPerDay.asRunningAverages(key => { const keys = [] for (let i = 0; i < 31; i++) { const otherDay = new Date(new Date(key).getTime() - i * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) keys.push(otherDay.toISOString().substr(0, 10)) } return keys }) .keyToDate() .asLine({ compare: (a, b) => a.getTime() - b.getTime(), name: "Rolling 31 day average" + appliedFilterDescription }) await createGraph("Changesets per day (line)" + appliedFilterDescription, perDayLine, perDayAvg, perDayAvgMonth) await new Histogram( => .asPie({ name: "Changesets per host" + appliedFilterDescription }).render() await new Histogram( => .createOthersCategory("< 25 changesets", (cutoff ?? 25)) .addCountToName() .asPie({ name: "Changesets per theme (pie)" + appliedFilterDescription }).render() Group.createStackedBarChartPerDay( "Changesets per theme" + appliedFilterDescription, allFeatures, f =>, cutoff ?? 25 ) Group.createStackedBarChartPerDay( "Changesets per version number" + appliedFilterDescription, allFeatures, f =>"MapComplete ".length, 6)?.replace(/[a-zA-Z-/]/g, '') ?? "UNKNOWN", cutoff ?? 1 ) Group.createStackedBarChartPerDay( "Changesets per minor version number" + appliedFilterDescription, allFeatures, f => { const base ="MapComplete ".length)?.replace(/[a-zA-Z-/]/g, '') ?? "UNKNOWN" const [major, minor, patch] = base.split(".") return major + "." + minor }, cutoff ?? 1 ) Group.createStackedBarChartPerDay( "Deletion-changesets per theme" + appliedFilterDescription, allFeatures.filter(f => > 0), f =>, cutoff ?? 1 ) { // Contributors (unique + unique new) per day const contributorCountPerDay = new Group() const newContributorsPerDay = new Group() const seenContributors = new Set() allFeatures.forEach(f => { const user = const day =, 10) contributorCountPerDay.bump(day, user) if (!seenContributors.has(user)) { seenContributors.add(user) newContributorsPerDay.bump(day, user) } }) const total = new Set( => await createGraph( `Contributors per day${appliedFilterDescription}`, contributorCountPerDay .asHist(true) .keyToDate(true) .asBar({ name: `Unique contributors per day (${total} total)` }), newContributorsPerDay .asHist(true) .keyToDate(true) .asBar({ name: "New, unique contributors per day" }), ) await createActualChangesGraph(allFeatures, appliedFilterDescription); } } async function createMiscGraphs(allFeatures: ChangeSetData[], emptyCS: ChangeSetData[]) { await new Histogram( =>{ name: "Empty changesets by date" }).render() const geojson = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: Utils.NoNull(allFeatures .map(f => { try { const point = GeoOperations.centerpoint(f.geometry); = {,} delete for (const key in {[key] =[key] } return point } catch (e) { console.error("Could not create center point: ", e, f) return undefined } })) } writeFileSync("centerpoints.geojson", JSON.stringify(geojson, undefined, 2)) } async function main(): Promise { if (!existsSync("graphs")) { mkdirSync("graphs") } const targetDir = "Docs/Tools/stats" if (process.argv.indexOf("--no-download") < 0) { await new StatsDownloader(targetDir).DownloadStats() } const allPaths = readdirSync(targetDir) .filter(p => p.startsWith("stats.") && p.endsWith(".json")); let allFeatures: ChangeSetData[] = [].concat(...allPaths .map(path => JSON.parse(readFileSync("Docs/Tools/stats/" + path, "utf-8")).features)); allFeatures = allFeatures.filter(f => === null ||"mapcomplete")) const emptyCS = allFeatures.filter(f => === "EMPTY CS") allFeatures = allFeatures.filter(f => !== "EMPTY CS") const noEditor = allFeatures.filter(f => === null).map(f => "" + writeFileSync("missing_editor.json", JSON.stringify(noEditor, null, " ")); if (process.argv.indexOf("--no-graphs") >= 0) { return } const allFiles = readdirSync("Docs/Tools/stats").filter(p => p.endsWith(".json")) writeFileSync("Docs/Tools/stats/file-overview.json", JSON.stringify(allFiles)) await createMiscGraphs(allFeatures, emptyCS) const grbOnly = allFeatures.filter(f => === "grb") allFeatures = allFeatures.filter(f => !== "grb") await createGraphs(allFeatures, "") /*await createGraphs(allFeatures.filter(f =>"2020")), " in 2020") await createGraphs(allFeatures.filter(f =>"2021")), " in 2021") await createGraphs(allFeatures.filter(f =>"2022")), " in 2022") await createGraphs(allFeatures.filter(f => === "toerisme_vlaanderen"), " met pin je punt", 0) await createGraphs(grbOnly, " with the GRB import tool", 0)*/ } main().then(_ => console.log("All done!"))