import * as fs from "fs" function genImages(dryrun = false) { console.log("Generating images") // These images are not referenced via 'Svg.ts' anymore and can be ignored const blacklist: string[] = [ "add", "addSmall", "back", "blocked", "brick_wall", "brick_wall_raw", "brick_wall_round", "brick_wall_square", "bug", "center", "checkmark", "clock", "close", "community", "compass", "compass_arrow", "confirm", "copyright", "cross", "cross_bottom_right", "crosshair", "crosshair_locked", "crosshair-locked", "delete_not_allowed", "direction_gradient", "direction_stroke", "duplicate", "elevator", "elevator_wheelchair", "eye", "filter", "filter_disable", "floppy", "gear", "gender_bi", "gender_inter", "gender_female", "gender_male", "gender_trans", "gender_queer", "generic_map", "gps_arrow", "hand", "help", "home", "length_crosshair", "length-crosshair", "liberapay", "location", "location_empty", "location_locked", "location_refused", "location-refused", "location_unlocked", "logo", "logout", "mapcomplete_logo", "mapillary", "mapillary_black", "mastodon", "min", "move-arrows", "move_confirm", "move_not_allowed", "not_found", "osm_logo_us", "osm-logo-us", "party", "person", "pin", "plantnet_logo", "plus", "reload", "ring", "robot", "SocialImageForeground", "speech_bubble", "speech_bubble_black_outline", "square", "square_rounded", "star", "star_half", "star_outline", "teardrop", "teardrop_with_hole_green", "translate", "triangle", "Upload", "wikidata", "wikimedia-commons-white", "wikimedia_commons_white", "wikipedia", ].map((s) => s.toLowerCase()) const dir = fs.readdirSync("./assets/svg") let module = 'import Img from "./UI/Base/Img";\n\n/* @deprecated */\nexport default class Svg {\n\n\n' for (const path of dir) { if (path.endsWith("license_info.json")) { continue } if (path.endsWith(".license")) { continue } if (!path.endsWith(".svg")) { throw "Non-svg file detected in the svg files: " + path } let svg: string = fs .readFileSync("./assets/svg/" + path, "utf-8") .replace(/<\?xml.*?>/, "") .replace(/]*>/, "") .replace(/fill: ?none;/g, "fill: none !important;") // This is such a brittle hack... .replace(/\n/g, " ") .replace(/\r/g, "") .replace(/\\/g, "\\") .replace(/"/g, '\\"') .replaceAll(" ", " ") let hasNonAsciiChars = Array.from(svg) .filter((char) => char.charCodeAt(0) > 127) .map((char) => char.charCodeAt(0)) .join(", ") if (hasNonAsciiChars.length > 0) { throw "The svg '" + path + "' has non-ascii characters: " + hasNonAsciiChars } const name = path.substring(0, path.length - 4).replace(/[ -]/g, "_") const nameUC = name.toUpperCase().at(0) + name.substring(1) const svelteCode = '\n' + svg .replace( " path.toLowerCase().endsWith(item + ".svg"))) { continue } if (dryrun) { svg = "" } let rawName = name module += ` public static ${name} = "${svg}"\n` if (!dryrun) { module += ` public static ${name}_svg() { return new Img(Svg.${rawName}, true);}\n` } else { module += ` public static ${name}_svg() { return new Img("", true);}\n` } } module += "}\n" fs.writeFileSync("src/Svg.ts", module) console.log("Done") } genImages()