import { Utils } from "../../../src/Utils" import ThemeConfig from "../../../src/Models/ThemeConfig/ThemeConfig" import * as bookcaseJson from "../../../src/assets/generated/themes/bookcases.json" import { OsmTags } from "../../../src/Models/OsmFeature" import { Feature, Geometry } from "geojson" import { expect, it } from "vitest" import ThemeViewState from "../../../src/Models/ThemeViewState" import ScriptUtils from "../../../scripts/ScriptUtils" const latestTags = { amenity: "public_bookcase", books: "children;adults", capacity: "25", description: "Deze boekenruilkast vindt je recht tegenover de Pim Pam Poem", "image:0": "", name: "Stubbekwartier-buurtbibliotheek", nobrand: "yes", opening_hours: "24/7", operator: "Huisbewoner", "public_bookcase:type": "reading_box", } Utils.injectJsonDownloadForTests("", { version: "0.6", generator: "CGImap 0.8.5 (1815943", copyright: "OpenStreetMap and contributors", attribution: "", license: "", elements: [ { type: "node", id: 5568693115, lat: 51.2179199, lon: 3.2154662, timestamp: "2021-08-21T16:22:55Z", version: 6, changeset: 110034454, user: "Pieter Vander Vennet", uid: 3818858, tags: latestTags, }, ], }) Utils.injectJsonDownloadForTests("./assets/data/editor-layer-index.json", '{"features": [] }') it("should download the latest version", async () => { const state = new ThemeViewState(new ThemeConfig(<any>bookcaseJson, true), new Set<string>()) const feature: Feature<Geometry, OsmTags> = { type: "Feature", id: "node/5568693115", properties: { amenity: "public_bookcase", books: "children;adults", capacity: "25", description: "Deze boekenruilkast vindt je recht tegenover de Pim Pam Poem", "image:0": "", name: "OUTDATED NAME", nobrand: "yes", opening_hours: "24/7", operator: "Huisbewoner", "public_bookcase:type": "reading_box", id: "node/5568693115", _lat: "51.2179199", _lon: "3.2154662", fixme: "SOME FIXME", }, geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [3.2154662, 51.2179199], }, } // The 'selectedElementsTagsUpdater' is the functionality which is tested here // However, one is initialized in the 'ThemeViewState' as well; and I'm to lazy to partially construct one here // new SelectedElementTagsUpdater() // THis should trigger a download of the latest feaures and update the tags // However, this doesn't work with ts-node for some reason state.selectedElement.setData(feature) await ScriptUtils.sleep(50) // The name should be updated expect("Stubbekwartier-buurtbibliotheek") // The fix_me should be removed expect( })