  "id": "reception_desk",
  "name": {
    "en": "Reception desks",
    "fr": "Bureaux d'accueil",
    "de": "Empfangstresen",
    "ca": "Recepció",
    "cs": "Recepční pulty"
  "description": {
    "en": "A layer showing where the reception desks are and which asks some accessibility information",
    "fr": "Une couche montrant où se trouvent les bureaux d'accueil et qui demande des informations d'accessibilité",
    "de": "Eine Ebene, die Empfangstresen zeigt und Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit abfragt",
    "ca": "Una capa que mostra on es troben els mostradors de recepció i que demana informació d'accessibilitat",
    "cs": "Vrstva, která ukazuje, kde se nacházejí recepce, a která se ptá na některé informace o přístupnosti"
  "source": {
    "osmTags": "amenity=reception_desk"
  "title": {
    "render": {
      "en": "Reception desk",
      "fr": "Bureau d'accueil",
      "de": "Empfangstresen",
      "ca": "Mostrador de recepció",
      "cs": "Recepční pult"
  "pointRendering": [
      "location": [
      "iconSize": "40,40",
      "anchor": "center",
      "marker": [
          "icon": "circle",
          "color": "white"
          "icon": "./assets/layers/reception_desk/reception_desk.svg"
  "lineRendering": [],
  "presets": [
      "tags": [
      "title": {
        "en": "a reception desk",
        "fr": "un bureau d'accueil",
        "de": "einen Empfangstresen",
        "ca": "una recepció",
        "cs": "recepční pult"
  "tagRenderings": [
      "id": "desk-height",
      "question": {
        "en": "What is the height of the reception desk? ",
        "fr": "Quelle est la hauteur de la réception ? ",
        "de": "Wie hoch ist der Empfangstresen? ",
        "ca": "Quina és l'alçada de la recepció? ",
        "pl": "Jaka jest wysokość tego biurka recepcji? ",
        "cs": "Jaká je výška recepčního pultu? "
      "render": {
        "en": "The height of the desk is <b>{canonical(desk:height)}</b>",
        "fr": "La hauteur du bureau est <b>{canonical(desk:height)}</b>",
        "de": "Die Höhe des Tresens beträgt <b>{canonical(desk:height)}</b>",
        "ca": "L'alçada del mostrador és <b>{canonical(desk:height)}</b>",
        "pl": "Wysokość tego biurka to <b>{canonical(desk:height)}</b>",
        "cs": "Výška stolu je <b>{canonical(desk:height)}</b>"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "desk:height",
        "type": "pfloat"
      "questionHint": {
        "en": "This is measured from the floor to the lowest usable part of the desk",
        "fr": "Ceci est mesuré du sol à la partie utilisable la plus basse du bureau",
        "de": "Gemessen vom Boden bis zur untersten nutzbaren Stelle des Tisches",
        "ca": "Es mesura des del terra fins a la part més baixa utilitzable de l'escriptori",
        "pl": "Jest to mierzone od podłogi do najniższej użytecznej części biurka",
        "cs": "Měří se od podlahy po nejnižší použitelnou část stolu"
  "allowMove": {
    "enableImproveAccuracy": true,
    "enableRelocation": false
  "units": [
      "desk:height": {
        "quantity": "distance",
        "denominations": [