import ImageProvider, { ProvidedImage } from "./ImageProvider" import BaseUIElement from "../../UI/BaseUIElement" import { Utils } from "../../Utils" import Constants from "../../Models/Constants" import { LicenseInfo } from "./LicenseInfo" export class Imgur extends ImageProvider { public static readonly defaultValuePrefix = [""] public static readonly singleton = new Imgur() public readonly defaultKeyPrefixes: string[] = ["image"] private constructor() { super() } static uploadMultiple( title: string, description: string, blobs: FileList, handleSuccessfullUpload: (imageURL: string) => Promise<void>, allDone: () => void, onFail: (reason: string) => void, offset: number = 0 ) { if (blobs.length == offset) { allDone() return } const blob = blobs.item(offset) const self = this this.uploadImage( title, description, blob, async (imageUrl) => { await handleSuccessfullUpload(imageUrl) self.uploadMultiple( title, description, blobs, handleSuccessfullUpload, allDone, onFail, offset + 1 ) }, onFail ) } static uploadImage( title: string, description: string, blob: File, handleSuccessfullUpload: (imageURL: string) => Promise<void>, onFail: (reason: string) => void ) { const apiUrl = "" const apiKey = Constants.ImgurApiKey const formData = new FormData() formData.append("image", blob) formData.append("title", title) formData.append("description", description) const settings: RequestInit = { method: "POST", body: formData, redirect: "follow", headers: new Headers({ Authorization: `Client-ID ${apiKey}`, Accept: "application/json", }), } // Response contains stringified JSON // Image URL available at fetch(apiUrl, settings) .then(async function (response) { const content = await response.json() await handleSuccessfullUpload( }) .catch((reason) => { console.log("Uploading to IMGUR failed", reason) // @ts-ignore onFail(reason) }) } SourceIcon(): BaseUIElement { return undefined } public async ExtractUrls(key: string, value: string): Promise<Promise<ProvidedImage>[]> { if (Imgur.defaultValuePrefix.some((prefix) => value.startsWith(prefix))) { return [ Promise.resolve({ url: value, key: key, provider: this, }), ] } return [] } /** * Download the attribution and license info for the picture at the given URL * * const data = {"data":{"id":"I9t6B7B","title":"Station Knokke","description":"author:Pieter Vander Vennet\r\nlicense:CC-BY 4.0\r\nosmid:node\/9812712386","datetime":1655052078,"type":"image\/jpeg","animated":false,"width":2400,"height":1795,"size":910872,"views":2,"bandwidth":1821744,"vote":null,"favorite":false,"nsfw":false,"section":null,"account_url":null,"account_id":null,"is_ad":false,"in_most_viral":false,"has_sound":false,"tags":[],"ad_type":0,"ad_url":"","edited":"0","in_gallery":false,"link":"https:\/\/\/I9t6B7B.jpg","ad_config":{"safeFlags":["not_in_gallery","share"],"highRiskFlags":[],"unsafeFlags":["sixth_mod_unsafe"],"wallUnsafeFlags":[],"showsAds":false,"showAdLevel":1}},"success":true,"status":200} * Utils.injectJsonDownloadForTests("", data) * const licenseInfo = await Imgur.singleton.DownloadAttribution("") * const expected = new LicenseInfo() * expected.licenseShortName = "CC-BY 4.0" * expected.artist = "Pieter Vander Vennet" * licenseInfo // => expected */ public async DownloadAttribution(url: string): Promise<LicenseInfo> { const hash = url.substr("".length).split(".jpg")[0] const apiUrl = "" + hash const response = await Utils.downloadJsonCached(apiUrl, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, { Authorization: "Client-ID " + Constants.ImgurApiKey, }) const descr: string = ?? "" const data: any = {} for (const tag of descr.split("\n")) { const kv = tag.split(":") const k = kv[0] data[k] = kv[1]?.replace(/\r/g, "") } const licenseInfo = new LicenseInfo() licenseInfo.licenseShortName = data.license licenseInfo.artist = return licenseInfo } }