{ "id": "openlovemap", "title": { "en": "Open Love Map", "de": "Open Love Map", "es": "Open Love Map", "cs": "Open Love Map" }, "description": { "en": "

Love in the palm of your hand

Open Love Map lists various adult entries, such as brothels, erotic stores and stripclubs.", "de": "

Liebe in der Hand

Open Love Map listet verschiedene Einträge für Erwachsene, wie Bordelle, Erotikshops und Stripclubs.", "es": "

Amor en la palma de tu mano

Open Love Map lista varias entradas para adultos, como burdeles, tiendas eróticas y clubs de striptease.", "cs": "

Láska na dlani

Open Love Map obsahuje různé položky pro dospělé, například nevěstince, erotické obchody a striptýzové kluby." }, "icon": "./assets/layers/stripclub/stripclub.svg", "hideFromOverview": true, "layers": [ "brothel", "stripclub", { "builtin": "shops", "override": { "id": "erotic_shop", "source": { "osmTags": "shop=erotic" }, "minzoom": 6, "=filter": [ "open_now", "fetish", "accepts_cash", "accepts_cards" ], "name": { "en": "Erotic shops", "de": "Erotikgeschäfte", "es": "Tiendas eróticas", "cs": "Erotické obchody" }, "=presets": [ { "title": { "en": "an erotic shop", "de": "ein Erotikgeschäft", "es": "una tienda erótica", "cs": "erotický obchod" }, "tags": [ "shop=erotic" ] } ], "tagRenderings+": [ { "id": "fetish", "multiAnswer": true, "question": { "en": "Does this shop offer fetish gear?", "de": "Bietet dieser Laden Fetischkleidung an?", "es": "¿Ofrece esta tienda artículos fetichistas?", "cs": "Nabízí tento obchod vybavení pro fetišisty?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "fetish:bdsm:soft=yes", "ifnot": "fetish:bdsm:soft=no", "then": { "en": "This shop offers soft BDSM-gear, such as fluffy handcuffs, a 'fifty-shade-of-grey'-starterset, ...", "de": "Dieser Laden bietet weiches BDSM-Zubehör an, wie zum Beispiel flauschige Handschellen, ein \"Fifty Shades of Grey\"-Starterset, ...", "es": "Esta tienda ofrece artículos BDSM suaves, como esposas mullidas, un conjunto de ...", "cs": "Tento obchod nabízí měkké BDSM pomůcky, jako jsou chlupatá pouta, sada „padesát odstínů šedi“, ..." } }, { "if": "fetish:bdsm:specialized=yes", "ifnot": "fetish:bdsm:specialized=no", "then": { "en": "This shop offers specialized BDSM-gear, such as spreader bars, supplies for needle play, medical bondage supplies, impact tools, shackles, metal colors, cuffs, nipple clamps, shibari accessories, ...", "de": "Dieser Laden bietet spezialisiertes BDSM-Zubehör an, wie zum Beispiel Spreizstangen, Utensilien für Nadelfolter, medizinische Bondage-Ausrüstung, Schlagwerkzeuge, Fesseln, Metallhalsbänder, Handschellen, Nippelklemmen, Shibari-Zubehör, ...", "es": "Esta tienda ofrece artículos especializados en BDSM, como barras separadoras, artículos para juegos con agujas, artículos de bondage médico, herramientas de impacto, grilletes, colores metálicos, esposas, pinzas para pezones, accesorios de shibari, ...", "cs": "Tento obchod nabízí specializované BDSM pomůcky, jako jsou roztahovací tyče, potřeby pro hru na jehlách, potřeby pro lékařskou bondáž, nárazové nástroje, pouta, kovové barvy, pouta, svorky na bradavky, shibari doplňky, ..." } }, { "if": "fetish:pet_play=yes", "ifnot": "fetish:pet_play=no", "then": { "en": "This shop offers pet play accessories, such as puppy masks, animal masks, pony play, tails, hoof shoes, ...", "de": "Dieser Laden bietet Petplay-Zubehör an, wie zum Beispiel Hundemasken, Tiermasken, Ponyplay-Ausrüstung, Schwänze, Hufschuhe, ...", "es": "Esta tienda ofrece accesorios para mascotas, como máscaras de cachorros, máscaras de animales, juegos de ponis, colas, herraduras...", "cs": "Tento obchod nabízí doplňky na hraní si na zvířata, jako jsou masky štěňat, masky zvířat, poníci na hraní, ocasy, boty na kopyta, ..." } }, { "if": "fetish:leather=yes", "ifnot": "fetish:leather=no", "then": { "en": "This shop offers leather gear, including pants and shirts usable in daily life up till leather harnesses", "de": "Dieser Laden bietet Lederkleidung an, darunter Hosen und Hemden für den Alltag bis hin zu Lederharnissen", "es": "Esta tienda ofrece ropa de cuero, desde pantalones y camisas de uso diario hasta arneses de cuero", "cs": "Tento obchod nabízí kožené vybavení, včetně kalhot a košil použitelných v každodenním životě až po kožené postroje" } }, { "if": "fetish:uniform=yes", "ifnot": "fetish:uniform=no", "then": { "en": "This shop offers uniforms for roleplay, such nurse uniforms, military uniforms, police, school girl, french maid, ...", "de": "Dieser Laden bietet Uniformen für Rollenspiele an, wie Krankenschwester-Uniformen, Militäruniformen, Polizei-, Schulmädchen- und Dienstmädchen-Outfits, ...", "es": "Esta tienda ofrece uniformes para juegos de rol, tales como uniformes de enfermera, uniformes militares, policía, colegiala, criada francesa, ...", "cs": "Tento obchod nabízí uniformy pro roleplay, jako jsou uniformy zdravotní sestry, vojenské uniformy, policie, školačky, francouzské pokojské, ..." } } ] } ] } }, { "builtin": "shops", "override": { "minzoom": 18, "=presets": [], "=name": null, "isCounted": false, "=filter": { "sameAs": "erotic_shop" } } }, { "builtin": "vending_machine", "override": { "id": "condom_vending_machine", "pointRendering": [ { "marker": [ { "icon": "circle", "color": "white" }, { "icon": "ring", "color": "black" } ], "location": [ "centroid", "point" ], "iconSize": "40,40", "anchor": "center" }, { "marker": [ { "icon": "./assets/layers/vending_machine/condom.svg" } ], "location": [ "centroid", "point" ], "iconSize": "26,26", "anchor": "center" } ], "=filter": [ "open_now" ], "source": { "osmTags": { "=and": [ "amenity=vending_machine", "vending=condoms" ] } }, "minzoom": 6, "=presets": [ { "title": { "en": "a condom vending machine", "de": "ein Kondomautomat", "es": "una máquina de venta de condones", "da": "en kondomautomat", "cs": "automat na kondomy" }, "tags": [ "amenity=vending_machine", "vending=condoms" ] } ] } }, { "builtin": "vending_machine", "override": { "minzoom": 18, "=presets": [], "isCounted": false, "=name": null } }, { "builtin": "cinema", "hideTagRenderingsWithLabels": [ "wikipedia" ], "override": { "id": "erotic_cinema", "pointRendering": [ { "marker": [ { "icon": "circle", "color": "white" }, { "icon": "ring", "color": "#734a08" } ], "location": [ "centroid", "point" ], "iconSize": "40,40", "anchor": "center" }, { "marker": [ { "icon": "./assets/layers/cinema/cinema.svg" } ], "location": [ "centroid", "point" ], "iconSize": "26,26", "anchor": "center" } ], "=filter": [ "open_now" ], "tagRenderings+": [ "opening_hours" ], "source": { "osmTags": { "=and": [ "amenity=cinema", "cinema=erotic" ] } }, "minzoom": 6, "=presets": [ { "title": { "en": "an erotic cinema", "de": "Ein Sex-Kino", "es": "un cine erótico", "cs": "erotické kino" }, "tags": [ "amenity=cinema", "cinema=erotic" ] } ] } }, { "builtin": "cinema", "override": { "minzoom": 18, "=presets": [], "isCounted": false, "=name": null } }, "love_hotel", { "builtin": "tourism_accomodation", "override": { "minzoom": 17, "+tagRenderings": [ { "id": "hotel-type", "question": { "en": "What type of hotel is this?", "de": "Welche Art von Hotel ist das?", "es": "¿Qué tipo de hotel es este?", "cs": "O jaký typ hotelu se jedná?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "tourism=hotel", "then": "This is a regular, tourist hotel where people stay multiple days", "addExtraTags": [ "amenity=" ] }, { "if": "amenity=love_hotel", "then": "This is a love hotel where people rent rooms for sexual activity. The hotel rent rooms for a few days", "addExtraTags": [ "tourism=" ] } ] } ], "isCounted": false, "=presets": [] } } ], "overrideAll": { "tagRenderings+": [ { "id": "has_video_booth", "question": { "en": "Does {title()} have a private video booth?", "de": "Hat {title()} eine private Videokabine?", "es": "¿Este {title()} tiene una cabina de video privada?", "cs": "Má {title()} soukromou video kabinu?" }, "questionHint": { "en": "This is for use by a single person.", "de": "Dies ist für die Nutzung durch eine einzelne Person vorgesehen.", "es": "Esto es para uso de una sola persona.", "cs": "Je určena pro použití jednou osobou." }, "mappings": [ { "if": "service:private_video_booth=yes", "then": "Private video booths are available" }, { "if": "service:private_video_booth=no", "then": "No private video booths" } ] } ] }, "enableMorePrivacy": true }