import FeaturePipelineState from "../Logic/State/FeaturePipelineState" import State from "../State" import { Utils } from "../Utils" import { UIEventSource } from "../Logic/UIEventSource" import FullWelcomePaneWithTabs from "./BigComponents/FullWelcomePaneWithTabs" import MapControlButton from "./MapControlButton" import Svg from "../Svg" import Toggle from "./Input/Toggle" import SearchAndGo from "./BigComponents/SearchAndGo" import BaseUIElement from "./BaseUIElement" import LeftControls from "./BigComponents/LeftControls" import RightControls from "./BigComponents/RightControls" import CenterMessageBox from "./CenterMessageBox" import ShowDataLayer from "./ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayer" import ScrollableFullScreen from "./Base/ScrollableFullScreen" import Translations from "./i18n/Translations" import SimpleAddUI from "./BigComponents/SimpleAddUI" import StrayClickHandler from "../Logic/Actors/StrayClickHandler" import { DefaultGuiState } from "./DefaultGuiState" import LayerConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" import * as home_location_json from "../assets/layers/home_location/home_location.json" import NewNoteUi from "./Popup/NewNoteUi" import Combine from "./Base/Combine" import AddNewMarker from "./BigComponents/AddNewMarker" import FilteredLayer from "../Models/FilteredLayer" import ExtraLinkButton from "./BigComponents/ExtraLinkButton" import { VariableUiElement } from "./Base/VariableUIElement" import Img from "./Base/Img" import UserInformationPanel from "./BigComponents/UserInformation" import { LoginToggle } from "./Popup/LoginButton" import { FixedUiElement } from "./Base/FixedUiElement" import GeoLocationHandler from "../Logic/Actors/GeoLocationHandler" import { GeoLocationState } from "../Logic/State/GeoLocationState" import Hotkeys from "./Base/Hotkeys" import AvailableBaseLayers from "../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers" /** * The default MapComplete GUI initializer * * Adds a welcome pane, control buttons, ... etc to index.html */ export default class DefaultGUI { private readonly guiState: DefaultGuiState private readonly state: FeaturePipelineState private readonly geolocationHandler: GeoLocationHandler | undefined constructor(state: FeaturePipelineState, guiState: DefaultGuiState) { this.state = state this.guiState = guiState if ( { this.geolocationHandler = new GeoLocationHandler(new GeoLocationState(), state) } } public setup() { this.SetupUIElements() this.SetupMap() if ( this.state.layoutToUse.customCss !== undefined && window.location.pathname.indexOf("index") >= 0 ) { Utils.LoadCustomCss(this.state.layoutToUse.customCss) } Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { shift: "O" }, "Switch to default Mapnik-OpenStreetMap background", () => { this.state.backgroundLayer.setData(AvailableBaseLayers.osmCarto) } ) Utils.downloadJson("./service-worker-version") .then((data) => console.log("Service worker", data)) .catch((_) => console.log("Service worker not active")) } public setupClickDialogOnMap( filterViewIsOpened: UIEventSource, state: FeaturePipelineState ) { const hasPresets = state.layoutToUse.layers.some((layer) => layer.presets.length > 0) const noteLayer: FilteredLayer = (l) => === "note" )[0] let addNewNoteDialog: (isShown: UIEventSource) => BaseUIElement = undefined if (noteLayer !== undefined) { addNewNoteDialog = (isShown) => new NewNoteUi(noteLayer, isShown, state) } function setup() { if (!hasPresets && addNewNoteDialog === undefined) { return // nothing to do } const newPointDialogIsShown = new UIEventSource(false) const addNewPoint = new ScrollableFullScreen( () => hasPresets ? Translations.t.general.add.title : Translations.t.notes.createNoteTitle, ({ resetScrollSignal }) => { let addNew = undefined if (hasPresets) { addNew = new SimpleAddUI( newPointDialogIsShown, resetScrollSignal, filterViewIsOpened, state ) } let addNote = undefined if (noteLayer !== undefined) { addNote = addNewNoteDialog(newPointDialogIsShown) } return new Combine([addNew, addNote]).SetClass("flex flex-col font-lg text-lg") }, "new", newPointDialogIsShown ) addNewPoint.isShown.addCallback((isShown) => { if (!isShown) { // Clear the 'last-click'-location when the dialog is closed - this causes the popup and the marker to be removed state.LastClickLocation.setData(undefined) } }) let noteMarker = undefined if (!hasPresets && addNewNoteDialog !== undefined) { noteMarker = new Combine([ Svg.note_svg().SetClass("absolute bottom-0").SetStyle("height: 40px"), Svg.addSmall_svg() .SetClass("absolute w-6 animate-pulse") .SetStyle("right: 10px; bottom: -8px;"), ]) .SetClass("block relative h-full") .SetStyle("left: calc( 50% - 15px )") // This is a bit hacky, yes I know! } StrayClickHandler.construct( state, addNewPoint, hasPresets ? new AddNewMarker(state.filteredLayers) : noteMarker ) state.LastClickLocation.addCallbackAndRunD((_) => { ScrollableFullScreen.collapse() }) } if (noteLayer !== undefined) { setup() } else { state.featureSwitchAddNew.addCallbackAndRunD((addNewAllowed) => { if (addNewAllowed) { setup() return true } }) } } private SetupMap() { if (Utils.runningFromConsole) { return } const state = this.state const guiState = this.guiState // Attach the map state.mainMapObject.SetClass("w-full h-full").AttachTo("leafletDiv") this.setupClickDialogOnMap(guiState.filterViewIsOpened, state) new ShowDataLayer({ leafletMap: state.leafletMap, layerToShow: new LayerConfig(home_location_json, "home_location", true), features: state.homeLocation, state, }) const selectedElement: FilteredLayer = (l) => === "selected_element" )[0] new ShowDataLayer({ leafletMap: state.leafletMap, layerToShow: selectedElement.layerDef, features: state.selectedElementsLayer, state, }) state.leafletMap.addCallbackAndRunD((_) => { // Lets assume that all showDataLayers are initialized at this point return true }) } private SetupUIElements() { const state = this.state const guiState = this.guiState const self = this new Combine([ Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchUserbadge, () => { const userInfo = new UserInformationPanel(state) const mapControl = new MapControlButton( new VariableUiElement( => { if (ud?.img === undefined) { return Svg.person_ui().SetClass("mt-1 block") } return new Img(ud?.img) }) ).SetClass("block rounded-full overflow-hidden"), { dontStyle: true, } ).onClick(() => userInfo.Activate()) return new LoginToggle( mapControl, Translations.t.general.loginWithOpenStreetMap, state ) }), Toggle.If( state.featureSwitchExtraLinkEnabled, () => new ExtraLinkButton(state, state.layoutToUse.extraLink) ), Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchWelcomeMessage, () => self.InitWelcomeMessage()), Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchIsTesting, () => new FixedUiElement("TESTING").SetClass("alert m-2 border-2 border-black") ), ]) .SetClass("flex flex-col") .AttachTo("top-left") new Combine([ new ExtraLinkButton(state, { ...state.layoutToUse.extraLink, newTab: true, requirements: new Set< "iframe" | "no-iframe" | "welcome-message" | "no-welcome-message" >(), }), ]) .SetClass("flex items-center justify-center normal-background h-full") .AttachTo("on-small-screen") new Combine([ Toggle.If(state.featureSwitchSearch, () => { const search = new SearchAndGo(state).SetClass( "shadow rounded-full h-min w-full overflow-hidden sm:max-w-sm pointer-events-auto" ) Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { ctrl: "F" }, "Select the search bar to search locations", () => { search.focus() } ) return search }), ]).AttachTo("top-right") new LeftControls(state, guiState).AttachTo("bottom-left") new RightControls(state, this.geolocationHandler).AttachTo("bottom-right") new CenterMessageBox(state).AttachTo("centermessage") document?.getElementById("centermessage")?.classList?.add("pointer-events-none") // We have to ping the welcomeMessageIsOpened and other isOpened-stuff to activate the FullScreenMessage if needed for (const state of guiState.allFullScreenStates) { if ( { } } /** * At last, if the map moves or an element is selected, we close all the panels just as well */ state.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRunD((_) => { guiState.allFullScreenStates.forEach((s) => s.setData(false)) }) } private InitWelcomeMessage(): BaseUIElement { const isOpened = this.guiState.welcomeMessageIsOpened new FullWelcomePaneWithTabs(isOpened, this.guiState.welcomeMessageOpenedTab, this.state) // ?-Button on Desktop, opens panel with close-X. const help = new MapControlButton(Svg.help_svg()) help.onClick(() => isOpened.setData(true)) const openedTime = new Date().getTime() this.state.locationControl.addCallback(() => { if (new Date().getTime() - openedTime < 15 * 1000) { // Don't autoclose the first 15 secs when the map is moving return } isOpened.setData(false) return true // Unregister this caller - we only autoclose once }) this.state.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRunD((_) => { isOpened.setData(false) }) return help.SetClass("pointer-events-auto") } }