import Combine from "../../Base/Combine" import Wikidata from "../../../Logic/Web/Wikidata" import { UIEventSource } from "../../../Logic/UIEventSource" import Locale from "../../i18n/Locale" import { Utils } from "../../../Utils" import WikidataSearchBox from "../../Wikipedia/WikidataSearchBox" import { Validator } from "../Validator" export default class WikidataValidator extends Validator { constructor() { super("wikidata", new Combine(["A wikidata identifier, e.g. Q42.",])) } public isValid(str): boolean { if (str === undefined) { return false } if (str.length <= 2) { return false } return !str.split(";").some((str) => Wikidata.ExtractKey(str) === undefined) } public reformat(str) { if (str === undefined) { return undefined } let out = str .split(";") .map((str) => Wikidata.ExtractKey(str)) .join("; ") if (str.endsWith(";")) { out = out + ";" } return out } public inputHelper(currentValue, inputHelperOptions) { const args = inputHelperOptions.args ?? [] const searchKey = args[0] ?? "name" const searchFor = ( (inputHelperOptions.feature?.properties[searchKey]?.toLowerCase() ?? "") ) let searchForValue: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(searchFor) const options: any = args[1] if (searchFor !== undefined && options !== undefined) { const prefixes = >options["removePrefixes"] ?? [] const postfixes = >options["removePostfixes"] ?? [] const defaultValueCandidate = => { const prefixesUnrwapped: RegExp[] = ( Array.isArray(prefixes) ? prefixes : prefixes[lg] ?? [] ).map((s) => new RegExp("^" + s, "i")) const postfixesUnwrapped: RegExp[] = ( Array.isArray(postfixes) ? postfixes : postfixes[lg] ?? [] ).map((s) => new RegExp(s + "$", "i")) let clipped = searchFor for (const postfix of postfixesUnwrapped) { const match = searchFor.match(postfix) if (match !== null) { clipped = searchFor.substring(0, searchFor.length - match[0].length) break } } for (const prefix of prefixesUnrwapped) { const match = searchFor.match(prefix) if (match !== null) { clipped = searchFor.substring(match[0].length) break } } return clipped }) defaultValueCandidate.addCallbackAndRun((clipped) => searchForValue.setData(clipped)) } let instanceOf: number[] = Utils.NoNull( (options?.instanceOf ?? []).map((i) => Wikidata.QIdToNumber(i)) ) let notInstanceOf: number[] = Utils.NoNull( (options?.notInstanceOf ?? []).map((i) => Wikidata.QIdToNumber(i)) ) return new WikidataSearchBox({ value: currentValue, searchText: searchForValue, instanceOf, notInstanceOf, }) } }