/** * A thin wrapper around a html element, which allows to generate a HTML-element. * * Assumes a read-only configuration, so it has no 'ListenTo' */ import { Utils } from "../Utils" export default abstract class BaseUIElement { protected _constructedHtmlElement: HTMLElement protected isDestroyed = false protected readonly clss: Set<string> = new Set<string>() protected style: string private _onClick: () => void | Promise<void> public onClick(f: () => void) { this._onClick = f this.SetClass("cursor-pointer") if (this._constructedHtmlElement !== undefined) { this._constructedHtmlElement.onclick = f } return this } AttachTo(divId: string) { let element = document.getElementById(divId) if (element === null) { if (Utils.runningFromConsole) { this.ConstructElement() return } throw "SEVERE: could not attach UIElement to " + divId } let alreadyThere = false const elementToAdd = this.ConstructElement() const childs = Array.from(element.childNodes) for (const child of childs) { if (child === elementToAdd) { alreadyThere = true continue } element.removeChild(child) } if (elementToAdd !== undefined && !alreadyThere) { element.appendChild(elementToAdd) } return this } public ScrollIntoView() { if (this._constructedHtmlElement === undefined) { return } this._constructedHtmlElement?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start", }) } /** * Adds all the relevant classes, space separated */ public SetClass(clss: string) { if (clss == undefined) { return this } const all = clss.split(" ").map((clsName) => clsName.trim()) let recordedChange = false for (let c of all) { c = c.trim() if (this.clss.has(clss)) { continue } if (c === undefined || c === "") { continue } this.clss.add(c) recordedChange = true } if (recordedChange) { this._constructedHtmlElement?.classList.add(...Array.from(this.clss)) } return this } public RemoveClass(classes: string): BaseUIElement { const all = classes.split(" ").map((clsName) => clsName.trim()) for (let clss of all) { if (this.clss.has(clss)) { this.clss.delete(clss) this._constructedHtmlElement?.classList.remove(clss) } } return this } public HasClass(clss: string): boolean { return this.clss.has(clss) } public SetStyle(style: string): BaseUIElement { this.style = style if (this._constructedHtmlElement !== undefined) { this._constructedHtmlElement.style.cssText = style } return this } /** * The same as 'Render', but creates a HTML element instead of the HTML representation */ public ConstructElement(): HTMLElement { if (typeof window === undefined) { return undefined } if (this._constructedHtmlElement !== undefined) { return this._constructedHtmlElement } try { const el = this.InnerConstructElement() if (el === undefined) { return undefined } this._constructedHtmlElement = el const style = this.style if (style !== undefined && style !== "") { el.style.cssText = style } if (this.clss?.size > 0) { try { el.classList.add(...Array.from(this.clss)) } catch (e) { console.error( "Invalid class name detected in:", Array.from(this.clss).join(" "), "\nErr msg is ", e ) } } if (this._onClick !== undefined) { const self = this el.onclick = async (e) => { // @ts-ignore if (e.consumed) { return } const v = self._onClick() if (typeof v === "object") { await v } // @ts-ignore e.consumed = true } el.classList.add("cursor-pointer") } return el } catch (e) { const domExc = e as DOMException if (domExc) { console.error( "An exception occured", domExc.code, domExc.message, domExc.name, domExc ) } console.error(e) } } public AsMarkdown(): string { throw "AsMarkdown is not implemented; implement it in the subclass" } public Destroy() { this.isDestroyed = true } protected abstract InnerConstructElement(): HTMLElement }