"id": "mapcomplete-changes",
"title": {
"en": "Changes made with MapComplete",
"ca": "Canvis fets amb MapComplete",
"de": "Mit MapComplete erstellte Änderungen",
"fr": "Changements faits avec MapComplete",
"nl": "Wijzigingen gemaakt met MapComplete"
"shortDescription": {
"en": "Show changes made with MapComplete",
"ca": "Mostra els canvis fets amb MapComplete",
"de": "Mit MapComplete erstellte Änderungen anzeigen",
"nl": "Toon wijzigingen gemaakt met MapComplete"
"description": {
"en": "This maps shows all the changes made with MapComplete",
"ca": "Aquest mapa mostra tots els canvis fets amb MapComplete",
"de": "Diese Karte zeigt alle mit MapComplete vorgenommenen Änderungen",
"pl": "Ta mapa pokazuje wszystkie zmiany wprowadzone za pomocą MapComplete",
"fr": "Cette carte montre tous les changements faits avec MapComplete",
"nl": "Deze kaart toont alle wijzigingen die met MapComplete gemaakt werden"
"icon": "./assets/svg/logo.svg",
"hideFromOverview": true,
"startLat": 0,
"startLon": 0,
"startZoom": 1,
"widenFactor": 0.05,
"clustering": false,
"layers": [
"id": "mapcomplete-changes",
"name": {
"en": "Changeset centers",
"ca": "Centre del conjunt de canvis",
"de": "Zentrum der Änderungssätze",
"nl": "Centerpunt van changeset"
"minzoom": 0,
"source": {
"osmTags": "editor~*",
"geoJson": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete-data/main/mapcomplete-changes/tile_{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson",
"geoJsonZoomLevel": 8,
"maxCacheAge": 0
"title": {
"render": {
"en": "Changeset for {theme}",
"ca": "Conjunt de canvis per a {theme}",
"de": "Änderungssatz für {theme}",
"fr": "Groupe de modifications pour {theme}"
"description": {
"en": "Show all MapComplete changes",
"ca": "Mostra tots els canvis de MapComplete",
"de": "Alle MapComplete-Änderungen anzeigen",
"pl": "Pokazuje wszystkie zmiany MapComplete",
"nl": "Toon alle MapComplete wijzigingen"
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "show_changeset_id",
"render": {
"en": "Changeset {id}",
"ca": "Conjunt de canvi {id}",
"de": "Änderungssatz {id}",
"fr": "Groupe de modifications {id}"
"id": "contributor",
"question": {
"en": "Which contributor made this change?",
"ca": "Quin col·laborador va fer aquest canvi?",
"de": "Wer hat diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
"fr": "Quel contributeur a fait cette modification ?",
"nl": "Welke bijdrager maakte deze wijziging?"
"freeform": {
"key": "user"
"render": {
"en": "Change made by {user}",
"ca": "Canvi fet per {user}",
"de": "Änderung von {user}",
"fr": "Modification faite par {user}",
"nl": "Wijziging gemaakt door {user}"
"id": "theme-id",
"question": {
"en": "What theme was used to make this change?",
"ca": "Quin tema es va utilitzar per fer aquest canvi?",
"de": "Welches Thema wurde für diese Änderung verwendet?",
"fr": "Quel thème a été utilisé pour faire cette modification ?"
"freeform": {
"key": "theme"
"render": {
"en": "Change with theme {theme}",
"ca": "Canvi amb el tema {theme}",
"de": "Geändert mit Thema {theme}",
"fr": "Modifié avec le thème {theme}"
"id": "locale",
"freeform": {
"key": "locale"
"question": {
"en": "What locale (language) was this change made in?",
"ca": "Amb quina configuració regional (idioma) s'ha fet aquest canvi?",
"de": "In welcher Benutzersprache wurde diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
"fr": "En quelle langue est-ce que ce changement a été fait ?",
"nl": "In welke locale (taal) werd deze wijziging gemaakt?"
"render": {
"en": "User locale is {locale}",
"ca": "La configuració regional de l'usuari és {locale}",
"de": "Benutzersprache {locale}",
"nl": "De gebruikerstaal is {locale}"
"id": "host",
"render": {
"en": "Change made with {host}",
"ca": "Canviat fet amb {host}",
"de": "Änderung über {host}",
"fr": "Modification faite avec {host}",
"nl": "Wijziging gemaakt met {host}"
"question": {
"en": "What host (website) was this change made with?",
"ca": "Amb quin amfitrió (lloc web) es va fer aquest canvi?",
"de": "Über welchen Host (Webseite) wurde diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
"nl": "Met welke host (website) werd deze wijziging gemaakt?"
"freeform": {
"key": "host"
"mappings": [
"if": "host=www.waldbrand-app.de",
"then": "waldbrand-app.de",
"hideInAnswer": true
"if": "host~https://pietervdvn.github.io/mc/develop/.*",
"then": "Develop",
"hideInAnswer": true
"id": "version",
"question": {
"en": "What version of MapComplete was used to make this change?",
"ca": "Quina versió de MapComplete es va utilitzar per fer aquest canvi?",
"de": "Mit welcher Version von MapComplete wurde diese Änderung gemacht?",
"pl": "Która wersja MapComplete została wykorzystana, aby zrobić tę zmianę?",
"fr": "Quelle version de MapComplete a été utilisée pour faire cette modification ?"
"render": {
"en": "Made with {editor}",
"ca": "Fet amb {editor}",
"de": "Erstellt mit {editor}",
"pl": "Zrobione za pomocą {editor}",
"fr": "Fait avec {editor}"
"freeform": {
"key": "editor"
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"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Theme name contains {search}",
"ca": "El nom del tema conté {search}",
"de": "Themenname enthält {search}",
"nl": "Themenaam bevat {search}"
"id": "created_by",
"options": [
"osmTags": "user~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Made by contributor {search}",
"ca": "Fet pel col·laborador {search}",
"de": "Erstellt von {search}",
"nl": "Gemaakt door bijdrager {search}"
"id": "not_created_by",
"options": [
"osmTags": "user!~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Not made by contributor {search}",
"ca": "No fet pel col·laborador {search}",
"de": "Nicht erstellt von {search}",
"nl": "Niet gemaakt door bijdrager {search}"
"id": "made_before",
"options": [
"osmTags": "date<{search}",
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"name": "search",
"type": "date"
"question": {
"en": "Made before {search}",
"ca": "Fet abans de {search}",
"de": "Erstellt vor {search}",
"pl": "Stworzone przed {search}",
"nl": "Gemaakt voor {search}"
"id": "made_after",
"options": [
"osmTags": "date>{search}",
"fields": [
"name": "search",
"type": "date"
"question": {
"en": "Made after {search}",
"ca": "Fet després de {search}",
"de": "Erstellt nach {search}",
"pl": "Stworzone po {search}",
"nl": "Gemaakt na {search}"
"id": "locale-filter",
"options": [
"osmTags": "locale~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "User language (iso-code) {search}",
"ca": "Idioma de l'usuari (codi iso) {search}",
"de": "Benutzersprache (ISO-Code) {search}",
"pl": "Język użytkownika (kod iso) {search}",
"fr": "Langage utilisateur (code-ISO) {search}",
"nl": "De taal van de bijdrager is {search}"
"id": "host_name",
"options": [
"osmTags": "host~i~.*{search}.*",
"fields": [
"name": "search"
"question": {
"en": "Made with host {search}",
"ca": "Fet amb l'amfitrió {search}",
"de": "Erstellt mit Host {search}",
"nl": "Gemaakt met host {search}"
"id": "added-image",
"options": [
"osmTags": "add-image>0",
"question": {
"en": "Changeset added at least one image",
"ca": "El conjunt de canvis ha afegit almenys una imatge",
"de": "Im Änderungssatz wurde mindestens ein Bild hinzugefügt",
"pl": "Zestaw zmian dodał co najmniej jedno zdjęcie",
"fr": "Le groupe de modifications a ajouté au moins une image",
"nl": "Changeset bevat minstens één afbeelding"
"builtin": "current_view",
"override": {
"title": "Statistics on changesets in the current view",
"tagRenderings+": [
"id": "link_to_more",
"render": {
"en": "More statistics can be found here",
"ca": "Es pot trobar més estadística aquí",
"de": "Mehr Statistiken gibt es hier",
"fr": "D'autres statistiques sont disponibles ici"
"id": "hist_themes",
"render": "{histogram(_embedded_cs:themes, Themename, Number of changesets)}"
"id": "hist_users",
"render": "{histogram(_embedded_cs:users, Contributor, Number of changesets)}"
"calculatedTags": [
"_embedded_cs=overlapWith(feat)('mapcomplete-changes').map(f => f.feat.properties)",
"_embedded_cs:themes=feat.get('_embedded_cs').map(cs => cs.theme)",
"_embedded_cs:users=feat.get('_embedded_cs').map(cs => cs['_last_edit:contributor'])"
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"location": [
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