import {Layout} from "../Layout"; import {LayoutConfigJson} from "./LayoutConfigJson"; import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "./TagConfigJson"; import {And, Or, RegexTag, Tag, TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "./TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {TagRenderingOptions} from "../TagRenderingOptions"; import Translation from "../../UI/i18n/Translation"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "./LayerConfigJson"; import {LayerDefinition, Preset} from "../LayerDefinition"; import {TagDependantUIElementConstructor} from "../UIElementConstructor"; import Combine from "../../UI/Base/Combine"; import * as drinkingWater from "../../assets/layers/drinking_water/drinking_water.json"; import * as ghostbikes from "../../assets/layers/ghost_bike/ghost_bike.json" import * as viewpoint from "../../assets/layers/viewpoint/viewpoint.json" import * as bike_parking from "../../assets/layers/bike_parking/bike_parking.json" import * as bike_repair_station from "../../assets/layers/bike_repair_station/bike_repair_station.json" import * as birdhides from "../../assets/layers/bird_hide/birdhides.json" import * as nature_reserve from "../../assets/layers/nature_reserve/nature_reserve.json" import * as bike_cafes from "../../assets/layers/bike_cafe/bike_cafes.json" import * as cycling_themed_objects from "../../assets/layers/cycling_themed_object/cycling_themed_objects.json" import * as bike_shops from "../../assets/layers/bike_shop/bike_shop.json" import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor from "../../UI/Image/ImageCarouselWithUpload"; import {ImageCarouselConstructor} from "../../UI/Image/ImageCarousel"; import {State} from "../../State"; export class FromJSON { public static sharedLayers: Map = FromJSON.getSharedLayers(); private static getSharedLayers() { // We inject a function into state while we are busy State.FromBase64 = FromJSON.FromBase64; const sharedLayers = new Map(); const sharedLayersList = [ FromJSON.Layer(drinkingWater), FromJSON.Layer(ghostbikes), FromJSON.Layer(viewpoint), FromJSON.Layer(bike_parking), FromJSON.Layer(bike_repair_station), FromJSON.Layer(birdhides), FromJSON.Layer(nature_reserve), FromJSON.Layer(bike_cafes), FromJSON.Layer(cycling_themed_objects), FromJSON.Layer(bike_shops) ]; for (const layer of sharedLayersList) { sharedLayers.set(, layer); } return sharedLayers; } public static FromBase64(layoutFromBase64: string): Layout { return FromJSON.LayoutFromJSON(JSON.parse(atob(layoutFromBase64))); } public static LayoutFromJSON(json: LayoutConfigJson): Layout { console.log(json) const tr = FromJSON.Translation; const layers =; const roaming: TagDependantUIElementConstructor[] = json.roamingRenderings?.map((tr, i) => FromJSON.TagRendering(tr, "Roaming rendering "+i)) ?? []; for (const layer of layers) { layer.elementsToShow.push(...roaming); } const layout = new Layout(, typeof (json.language) === "string" ? [json.language] : json.language, tr(json.title ?? "Title not defined"), layers, json.startZoom, json.startLat, json.startLon, new Combine(["

", tr(json.title), "

", tr(json.description)]), ); layout.widenFactor = json.widenFactor ?? 0.07; layout.icon = json.icon; layout.maintainer = json.maintainer; layout.version = json.version; layout.socialImage = json.socialImage; layout.changesetMessage = json.changesetmessage; return layout; } public static Translation(json: string | any): Translation { if (json === undefined) { return undefined; } if (typeof (json) === "string") { return new Translation({"*": json}); } const tr = {}; let keyCount = 0; for (let key in json) { keyCount++; tr[key] = json[key]; // I'm doing this wrong, I know } if(keyCount == 0){ return undefined; } const transl = new Translation(tr); transl.addCallback(latest => console.log("tr callback changed to", latest)); return transl; } public static TagRendering(json: TagRenderingConfigJson | string, propertyeName: string): TagDependantUIElementConstructor { return FromJSON.TagRenderingWithDefault(json, propertyeName, undefined); } public static TagRenderingWithDefault(json: TagRenderingConfigJson | string, propertyName, defaultValue: string): TagDependantUIElementConstructor { if (json === undefined) { if(defaultValue !== undefined){ return FromJSON.TagRendering(defaultValue, propertyName); } throw `Tagrendering ${propertyName} is undefined...` } if (typeof json === "string") { switch (json) { case "picture": { return new ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor() } case "pictures": { return new ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor() } case "image": { return new ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor() } case "images": { return new ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor() } case "picturesNoUpload": { return new ImageCarouselConstructor() } } return new TagRenderingOptions({ freeform: { key: "id", renderTemplate: json, template: "$$$" } }); } // It's the question that drives us, neo const question = FromJSON.Translation(json.question); let template = FromJSON.Translation(json.render); let freeform = undefined; if (json.freeform?.key && json.freeform.key !== "") { // Setup the freeform if (template === undefined) { console.error("Freeform.key is defined, but render is not. This is not allowed.", json) throw `Freeform is defined in tagrendering ${propertyName}, but render is not. This is not allowed.` } freeform = { template: `$${json.freeform.type ?? "string"}$`, renderTemplate: template, key: json.freeform.key }; if (json.freeform.addExtraTags) { freeform.extraTags = new And( } } else if (json.render) { // Template (aka rendering) is defined, but freeform.key is not. We allow an input as string freeform = { template: undefined, // Template to ask is undefined -> we block asking for this key renderTemplate: template, key: "id" // every object always has an id } } const mappings = json.mappings?.map((mapping, i) => { const k = FromJSON.Tag(mapping.if, `IN mapping #${i} of tagrendering ${propertyName}`) if (question !== undefined && !mapping.hideInAnswer && !k.isUsableAsAnswer()) { throw `Invalid mapping in ${propertyName}.${i}: this mapping uses a regex tag or an OR, but is also answerable. Either mark 'Not an answer option' or only use '=' to map key/values.` } return { k: k, txt: FromJSON.Translation(mapping.then), hideInAnswer: mapping.hideInAnswer }; } ); if (template === undefined && (mappings === undefined || mappings.length === 0)) { console.error(`Empty tagrendering detected in ${propertyName}: no mappings nor template given`, json) throw `Empty tagrendering ${propertyName} detected: no mappings nor template given` } let rendering = new TagRenderingOptions({ question: question, freeform: freeform, mappings: mappings, multiAnswer: json.multiAnswer }); if (json.condition) { const condition = FromJSON.Tag(json.condition, `In tagrendering ${propertyName}.condition`); return rendering.OnlyShowIf(condition); } return rendering; } public static SimpleTag(json: string): Tag { const tag = Utils.SplitFirst(json, "="); return new Tag(tag[0], tag[1]); } public static Tag(json: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, context: string = ""): TagsFilter { if(json === undefined){ throw "Error while parsing a tag: nothing defined. Make sure all the tags are defined and at least one tag is present in a complex expression" } if (typeof (json) == "string") { const tag = json as string; if (tag.indexOf("!~") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "!~"); if (split[1] === "*") { throw `Don't use 'key!~*' - use 'key=' instead (empty string as value (in the tag ${tag} while parsing ${context})` } return new RegexTag( split[0], new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$"), true ); } if (tag.indexOf("~~") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "~~"); if (split[1] === "*") { split[1] = "..*" } return new RegexTag( new RegExp("^" + split[0] + "$"), new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$") ); } if (tag.indexOf("!=") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "!="); if (split[1] === "*") { split[1] = "..*" } return new RegexTag( split[0], new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$"), true ); } if (tag.indexOf("~") >= 0) { const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "~"); if (split[1] === "*") { split[1] = "..*" } return new RegexTag( split[0], new RegExp("^" + split[1] + "$") ); } const split = Utils.SplitFirst(tag, "="); if(split[1] == "*"){ throw `Error while parsing tag '${tag}' in ${context}: detected a wildcard on a normal value. Use a regex pattern instead` } return new Tag(split[0], split[1]) } if (json.and !== undefined) { return new And( => FromJSON.Tag(t, context))); } if (json.or !== undefined) { return new Or( => FromJSON.Tag(t, context))); } } public static Layer(json: LayerConfigJson | string): LayerDefinition { if (typeof (json) === "string") { const cached = FromJSON.sharedLayers.get(json); if (cached) { return cached; } throw `Layer ${json} not yet loaded...` } try { return FromJSON.LayerUncaught(json); } catch (e) { throw `While parsing layer ${}: ${e}` } } private static LayerUncaught(json: LayerConfigJson): LayerDefinition { const tr = FromJSON.Translation; const overpassTags = FromJSON.Tag(json.overpassTags, "overpasstags for layer "; const icon = FromJSON.TagRenderingWithDefault(json.icon, "icon", "./assets/bug.svg"); const iconSize = FromJSON.TagRenderingWithDefault(json.iconSize, "iconSize", "40,40,center"); const color = FromJSON.TagRenderingWithDefault(json.color, "color", "#0000ff"); const width = FromJSON.TagRenderingWithDefault(json.width, "width", "10"); if (json.title === "Layer") { json.title = {}; } let title = FromJSON.TagRendering(json.title, "Popup title"); let tagRenderingDefs = json.tagRenderings ?? []; let hasImageElement = false; for (const tagRenderingDef of tagRenderingDefs) { if (typeof tagRenderingDef !== "string") { continue; } let str = tagRenderingDef as string; if (tagRenderingDef.indexOf("images") >= 0 || str.indexOf("pictures") >= 0) { hasImageElement = true; break; } } if (!hasImageElement) { tagRenderingDefs = ["images", ...tagRenderingDefs]; } let tagRenderings =, i) => FromJSON.TagRendering(tr, "Tagrendering #"+i)); const renderTags = {"id": "node/-1"} const presets: Preset[] = json?.presets?.map(preset => { return ({ title: tr(preset.title), description: tr(preset.description), tags: }); }) ?? []; function style(tags) { const iconSizeStr = iconSize.GetContent(tags).txt.split(","); const iconwidth = Number(iconSizeStr[0]); const iconheight = Number(iconSizeStr[1]); const iconmode = iconSizeStr[2]; const iconAnchor = [iconwidth / 2, iconheight / 2] // x, y // If iconAnchor is set to [0,0], then the top-left of the icon will be placed at the geographical location if (iconmode.indexOf("left") >= 0) { iconAnchor[0] = 0; } if (iconmode.indexOf("right") >= 0) { iconAnchor[0] = iconwidth; } if (iconmode.indexOf("top") >= 0) { iconAnchor[1] = 0; } if (iconmode.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) { iconAnchor[1] = iconheight; } // the anchor is always set from the center of the point // x, y with x going right and y going down if the values are bigger const popupAnchor = [0, 3 - iconAnchor[1]]; return { color: color.GetContent(tags).txt, weight: width.GetContent(tags).txt, icon: { iconUrl: icon.GetContent(tags).txt, iconSize: [iconwidth, iconheight], popupAnchor: popupAnchor, iconAnchor: iconAnchor }, } } const layer = new LayerDefinition(, { name: tr(, description: tr(json.description), icon: icon.GetContent(renderTags).txt, overpassFilter: overpassTags, title: title, minzoom: json.minzoom, presets: presets, elementsToShow: tagRenderings, style: style, wayHandling: json.wayHandling } ); layer.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage = json.hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage ?? 0; return layer; } }