import * as fs from "fs"; import {TagUtils} from "../Logic/Tags/TagUtils"; import {writeFileSync} from "fs"; function main(args) { if (args.length < 2) { console.log("Given a single geojson file and a filter specification, will print all the entries to std-out which pass the property") console.log("USAGE: perProperty `file.geojson` `key=value` [outputfile]") return } const path = args[0] const spec = args[1] const output = args[2] const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, "UTF8")) const filter = TagUtils.Tag(JSON.parse(spec)) const features = data.features.filter(f => filter.matchesProperties( if(features.length === 0){ console.log("Warning: no features matched the filter. Exiting now") return } const collection = { type:"FeatureCollection", features } const stringified = JSON.stringify(collection, null, " ") if(output === undefined){ console.log(stringified) }else{ console.log("Filtered "+path+": kept "+features.length+" out of "+data.features.length+" objects") writeFileSync(output, stringified) } } main(process.argv.slice(2))