## Table of contents
1. [all_streets](#all_streets)
* [Themes using this layer](#themes-using-this-layer)
- [Basic tags for this layer](#basic-tags-for-this-layer)
- [Supported attributes](#supported-attributes)
+ [lit](#lit)
- Not rendered on the map by default. If you want to rendering this on the map, override `mapRenderings`
#### Themes using this layer
- [cyclestreets](
- [street_lighting](
[Go to the source code](../assets/layers/all_streets/all_streets.json)
Basic tags for this layer
Elements must have the all of following tags to be shown on this layer:
- highway!~^$
- service!~^driveway$
- highway!~^platform$
Supported attributes
**Warning** This quick overview is incomplete
attribute | type | values which are supported by this layer
----------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------
]( [lit]( | Multiple choice | [yes]( [no]( [24/7](
### lit
The question is **Is this street lit?**
- **This street is lit** corresponds with lit=yes
- **This street is not lit** corresponds with lit=no
- **This street is lit at night** corresponds with lit=sunset-sunrise_This option cannot be chosen as answer_
- **This street is lit 24/7** corresponds with lit=24/7
This document is autogenerated from assets/layers/all_streets/all_streets.json