import { VariableUiElement } from "../Base/VariableUIElement" import Svg from "../../Svg" import Combine from "../Base/Combine" import { SubtleButton } from "../Base/SubtleButton" import Translations from "../i18n/Translations" import Constants from "../../Models/Constants" import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement" import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig" import { ImmutableStore, Store, Stores, UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import Loc from "../../Models/Loc" import { OsmConnection } from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import UserRelatedState from "../../Logic/State/UserRelatedState" import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle" import { Utils } from "../../Utils" import Title from "../Base/Title" import themeOverview from "../../assets/generated/theme_overview.json" import { Translation } from "../i18n/Translation" import { TextField } from "../Input/TextField" import FilteredCombine from "../Base/FilteredCombine" import Locale from "../i18n/Locale" export default class MoreScreen extends Combine { private static readonly officialThemes: { id: string icon: string title: any shortDescription: any definition?: any mustHaveLanguage?: boolean hideFromOverview: boolean keywors?: any[] }[] = themeOverview constructor( state: UserRelatedState & { locationControl?: UIEventSource layoutToUse?: LayoutConfig }, onMainScreen: boolean = false ) { const tr = Translations.t.general.morescreen let themeButtonStyle = "" let themeListStyle = "" if (onMainScreen) { themeButtonStyle = "h-32 min-h-32 max-h-32 text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" themeListStyle = "md:grid md:grid-flow-row md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-g4 gap-4" } const search = new TextField({ placeholder: tr.searchForATheme, }) search.enterPressed.addCallbackD((searchTerm) => { searchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase() if (searchTerm === "personal") { window.location.href = MoreScreen.createUrlFor( { id: "personal" }, false, state ).data } if (searchTerm === "bugs" || searchTerm === "issues") { window.location.href = "" } if (searchTerm === "source") { window.location.href = "" } if (searchTerm === "docs") { window.location.href = "" } if (searchTerm === "osmcha" || searchTerm === "stats") { window.location.href = Utils.OsmChaLinkFor(7) } // Enter pressed -> search the first _official_ matchin theme and open it const publicTheme = MoreScreen.officialThemes.find( (th) => th.hideFromOverview == false && !== "personal" && MoreScreen.MatchesLayoutFunc(th)(searchTerm) ) if (publicTheme !== undefined) { window.location.href = MoreScreen.createUrlFor(publicTheme, false, state).data } const hiddenTheme = MoreScreen.officialThemes.find( (th) => !== "personal" && MoreScreen.MatchesLayoutFunc(th)(searchTerm) ) if (hiddenTheme !== undefined) { window.location.href = MoreScreen.createUrlFor(hiddenTheme, false, state).data } }) if (onMainScreen) { search.focus() document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.code === "KeyF") { search.focus() event.preventDefault() } }) } const searchBar = new Combine([ Svg.search_svg().SetClass("w-8"), search.SetClass("mr-4 w-full"), ]).SetClass("flex rounded-full border-2 border-black items-center my-2 w-1/2") super([ new Combine([searchBar]).SetClass("flex justify-center"), MoreScreen.createOfficialThemesList( state, themeButtonStyle, themeListStyle, search.GetValue() ), MoreScreen.createPreviouslyVistedHiddenList( state, themeButtonStyle, themeListStyle, search.GetValue() ), MoreScreen.createUnofficialThemeList( themeButtonStyle, state, themeListStyle, search.GetValue() ), tr.streetcomplete.Clone().SetClass("block text-base mx-10 my-3 mb-10"), ]) } private static NothingFound(search: UIEventSource): BaseUIElement { const t = Translations.t.general.morescreen return new Combine([ new Title(t.noMatchingThemes, 5).SetClass("w-max font-bold"), new SubtleButton(Svg.search_disable_ui(), t.noSearch, { imgSize: "h-6" }) .SetClass("h-12 w-max") .onClick(() => search.setData("")), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col items-center w-full") } private static createUrlFor( layout: { id: string; definition?: string }, isCustom: boolean, state?: { locationControl?: UIEventSource<{ lat; lon; zoom }>; layoutToUse?: { id } } ): Store { if (layout === undefined) { return undefined } if ( === undefined) { console.error("ID is undefined for layout", layout) return undefined } if ( === state?.layoutToUse?.id) { return undefined } const currentLocation = state?.locationControl let path = window.location.pathname // Path starts with a '/' and contains everything, e.g. '/dir/dir/page.html' path = path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")) // Path will now contain '/dir/dir', or empty string in case of nothing if (path === "") { path = "." } let linkPrefix = `${path}/${}.html?` if (location.hostname === "localhost" || location.hostname === "") { linkPrefix = `${path}/theme.html?layout=${}&` } if (isCustom) { linkPrefix = `${path}/theme.html?userlayout=${}&` } let hash = "" if (layout.definition !== undefined) { hash = "#" + btoa(JSON.stringify(layout.definition)) } return ( currentLocation?.map((currentLocation) => { const params = [ ["z", currentLocation?.zoom], ["lat", currentLocation?.lat], ["lon", currentLocation?.lon], ] .filter((part) => part[1] !== undefined) .map((part) => part[0] + "=" + part[1]) .join("&") return `${linkPrefix}${params}${hash}` }) ?? new ImmutableStore(`${linkPrefix}`) ) } /** * Creates a button linking to the given theme * @private */ public static createLinkButton( state: { locationControl?: UIEventSource layoutToUse?: LayoutConfig }, layout: { id: string icon: string title: any shortDescription: any definition?: any mustHaveLanguage?: boolean }, isCustom: boolean = false ): BaseUIElement { const url = MoreScreen.createUrlFor(layout, isCustom, state) let content = new Combine([ new Translation( layout.title, !isCustom && !layout.mustHaveLanguage ? "themes:" + + ".title" : undefined ), new Translation(layout.shortDescription)?.SetClass("subtle") ?? "", ]).SetClass("overflow-hidden flex flex-col") if (state.layoutToUse === undefined) { // Currently on the index screen: we style the buttons equally large content = new Combine([content]).SetClass("flex flex-col justify-center h-24") } return new SubtleButton(layout.icon, content, { url, newTab: false }) } public static CreateProffessionalSerivesButton() { const t = Translations.t.professional.indexPage return new Combine([ new Title(t.hook, 4), t.hookMore, new SubtleButton(undefined, t.button, { url: "./professional.html" }), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col border border-gray-300 p-2 rounded-lg") } private static createUnofficialThemeList( buttonClass: string, state: UserRelatedState, themeListClasses: string, search: UIEventSource ): BaseUIElement { var currentIds: Store = state.installedUserThemes var stableIds = Stores.ListStabilized(currentIds) return new VariableUiElement( => { const allThemes: { element: BaseUIElement; predicate?: (s: string) => boolean }[] = [] for (const id of ids) { const themeInfo = state.GetUnofficialTheme(id) if (themeInfo === undefined) { continue } const link = MoreScreen.createLinkButton(state, themeInfo, true) if (link !== undefined) { allThemes.push({ element: link.SetClass(buttonClass), predicate: (s) => id.toLowerCase().indexOf(s) >= 0, }) } } if (allThemes.length <= 0) { return undefined } return new Combine([ Translations.t.general.customThemeIntro, new FilteredCombine(allThemes, search, { innerClasses: themeListClasses, onEmpty: MoreScreen.NothingFound(search), }), ]) }) ) } private static createPreviouslyVistedHiddenList( state: UserRelatedState, buttonClass: string, themeListStyle: string, search: UIEventSource ): BaseUIElement { const t = Translations.t.general.morescreen const prefix = "mapcomplete-hidden-theme-" const hiddenThemes = themeOverview.filter((layout) => layout.hideFromOverview) const hiddenTotal = hiddenThemes.length return new Toggle( new VariableUiElement( => { const knownThemes: Set = new Set( Utils.NoNull( Object.keys(allPreferences) .filter((key) => key.startsWith(prefix)) .map((key) => key.substring(prefix.length, key.length - "-enabled".length) ) ) ) if (knownThemes.size === 0) { return undefined } const knownThemeDescriptions = hiddenThemes .filter((theme) => knownThemes.has( .map((theme) => ({ element: MoreScreen.createLinkButton(state, theme)?.SetClass( buttonClass ), predicate: MoreScreen.MatchesLayoutFunc(theme), })) const knownLayouts = new FilteredCombine(knownThemeDescriptions, search, { innerClasses: themeListStyle, onEmpty: MoreScreen.NothingFound(search), }) return new Combine([ new Title(t.previouslyHiddenTitle), t.hiddenExplanation.Subs({ hidden_discovered: "" + knownThemes.size, total_hidden: "" + hiddenTotal, }), knownLayouts, ]) }) ).SetClass("flex flex-col"), undefined, state.osmConnection.isLoggedIn ) } private static MatchesLayoutFunc(layout: { id: string title: any shortDescription: any keywords?: any[] }): (search: string) => boolean { return (search: string) => { search = search.toLocaleLowerCase() if ( >= 0) { return true } const entitiesToSearch = [ layout.shortDescription, layout.title, ...(layout.keywords ?? []), ] for (const entity of entitiesToSearch) { if (entity === undefined) { continue } const term = entity["*"] ?? entity[] if (term?.toLowerCase()?.indexOf(search) >= 0) { return true } } return false } } private static createOfficialThemesList( state: { osmConnection: OsmConnection; locationControl?: UIEventSource }, buttonClass: string, themeListStyle: string, search: UIEventSource ): BaseUIElement { let buttons: { element: BaseUIElement; predicate?: (s: string) => boolean }[] = => { if (layout === undefined) { console.trace("Layout is undefined") return undefined } if (layout.hideFromOverview) { return undefined } const button = MoreScreen.createLinkButton(state, layout)?.SetClass(buttonClass) if ( === "personal") { const element = new VariableUiElement( state.osmConnection.userDetails .map((userdetails) => userdetails.csCount) .map((csCount) => { if (csCount < Constants.userJourney.personalLayoutUnlock) { return undefined } else { return button } }) ) return { element } } return { element: button, predicate: MoreScreen.MatchesLayoutFunc(layout) } }) const professional = MoreScreen.CreateProffessionalSerivesButton() const customGeneratorLink = MoreScreen.createCustomGeneratorButton(state) buttons.splice(0, 0, { element: customGeneratorLink }, { element: professional }) return new FilteredCombine(buttons, search, { innerClasses: themeListStyle, onEmpty: MoreScreen.NothingFound(search), }) } /* * Returns either a link to the issue tracker or a link to the custom generator, depending on the achieved number of changesets * */ private static createCustomGeneratorButton(state: { osmConnection: OsmConnection }): VariableUiElement { const tr = Translations.t.general.morescreen return new VariableUiElement( => { if (userDetails.csCount < Constants.userJourney.themeGeneratorReadOnlyUnlock) { return new SubtleButton(null, tr.requestATheme.Clone(), { url: "", newTab: true, }) } return new SubtleButton(Svg.pencil_ui(), tr.createYourOwnTheme.Clone(), { url: "", newTab: false, }) }) ) } }