[//]: # (WARNING: this file is automatically generated. Please find the sources at the bottom and edit those sources) # drinking_water A layer showing drinking water fountains - This layer is shown at zoomlevel **12** and higher - This layer will automatically load [drinking_water](./drinking_water.md) into the layout as it depends on it: a calculated tag loads features from this layer (calculatedTag[0] which calculates the value for _closest_other_drinking_water) - This layer is needed as dependency for layer [drinking_water](#drinking_water) ## Table of contents 1. [Themes using this layer](#themes-using-this-layer) 2. [Presets](#presets) 3. [Basic tags for this layer](#basic-tags-for-this-layer) 4. [Supported attributes](#supported-attributes) - [images](#images) - [Still in use?](#still-in-use) - [type](#type) - [Bottle refill](#bottle-refill) - [fee](#fee) - [seasonal](#seasonal) - [opening_hours_24_7](#opening_hours_24_7) - [Opening hours](#opening-hours) - [bench-artwork](#bench-artwork) - [artwork-artwork_type](#artwork-artwork_type) - [artwork-artist-wikidata](#artwork-artist-wikidata) - [artwork-artist_name](#artwork-artist_name) - [artwork-website](#artwork-website) - [artwork_subject](#artwork_subject) - [render-closest-drinking-water](#render-closest-drinking-water) - [leftover-questions](#leftover-questions) - [move-button](#move-button) - [delete-button](#delete-button) - [lod](#lod) 5. [Filters](#filters) ## Themes using this layer - [climbing](https://mapcomplete.org/climbing) - [cyclofix](https://mapcomplete.org/cyclofix) - [drinking_water](https://mapcomplete.org/drinking_water) - [nature](https://mapcomplete.org/nature) - [personal](https://mapcomplete.org/personal) - [ski](https://mapcomplete.org/ski) - [stations](https://mapcomplete.org/stations) ## Presets The following options to create new points are included: - **a drinking water** which has the following tags:amenity=drinking_water ## Basic tags for this layer Elements must match **all** of the following expressions: 0. amenity=drinking_water | disused:amenity=drinking_water | drinking_water=yes 1. man_made!=reservoir_covered 2. access!=permissive 3. access!=private [Execute on overpass](http://overpass-turbo.eu/?Q=%5Bout%3Ajson%5D%5Btimeout%3A90%5D%3B%28%20%20%20%20nwr%5B%22amenity%22%3D%22drinking_water%22%5D%5B%22man_made%22!%3D%22reservoir_covered%22%5D%5B%22access%22!%3D%22permissive%22%5D%5B%22access%22!%3D%22private%22%5D%28%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D%29%3B%0A%20%20%20%20nwr%5B%22disused%3Aamenity%22%3D%22drinking_water%22%5D%5B%22man_made%22!%3D%22reservoir_covered%22%5D%5B%22access%22!%3D%22permissive%22%5D%5B%22access%22!%3D%22private%22%5D%28%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D%29%3B%0A%20%20%20%20nwr%5B%22drinking_water%22%3D%22yes%22%5D%5B%22man_made%22!%3D%22reservoir_covered%22%5D%5B%22access%22!%3D%22permissive%22%5D%5B%22access%22!%3D%22private%22%5D%28%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D%29%3B%0A%29%3Bout%20body%3B%3E%3Bout%20skel%20qt%3B) ## Supported attributes **Warning:**,this quick overview is incomplete, | attribute | type | values which are supported by this layer | -----|-----|----- | | [operational_status](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:operational_status) | [string](../SpecialInputElements.md#string) | [](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:operational_status%3D) [broken](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:operational_status%3Dbroken) [closed](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:operational_status%3Dclosed) | | [bottle](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:bottle) | Multiple choice | [yes](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:bottle%3Dyes) [no](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:bottle%3Dno) | | [fee](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:fee) | Multiple choice | [no](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:fee%3Dno) [yes](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:fee%3Dyes) | | [seasonal](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:seasonal) | Multiple choice | [no](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:seasonal%3Dno) [summer](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:seasonal%3Dsummer) [spring;summer;autumn](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:seasonal%3Dspring;summer;autumn) | | [opening_hours](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours) | [opening_hours](../SpecialInputElements.md#opening_hours) | [24/7](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:opening_hours%3D24/7) | | [artwork_type](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:artwork_type) | [string](../SpecialInputElements.md#string) | [architecture](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Darchitecture) [mural](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dmural) [painting](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dpainting) [sculpture](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dsculpture) [statue](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dstatue) [bust](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dbust) [stone](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dstone) [installation](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dinstallation) [graffiti](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dgraffiti) [relief](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Drelief) [azulejo](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dazulejo) [tilework](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dtilework) [woodcarving](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:artwork_type%3Dwoodcarving) | | [artist:wikidata](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:artist:wikidata) | [wikidata](../SpecialInputElements.md#wikidata) | | | [artist_name](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:artist_name) | [string](../SpecialInputElements.md#string) | | | [website](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:website) | [url](../SpecialInputElements.md#url) | | | [subject:wikidata](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:subject:wikidata) | [wikidata](../SpecialInputElements.md#wikidata) | | ### images This block shows the known images which are linked with the `image`-keys, but also via `mapillary` and `wikidata` and shows the button to upload new images _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{image_carousel()}{image_upload()}* ### Still in use? The question is `Is this drinking water spot still operational?` *The operational status is {operational_status}* is shown if `operational_status` is set - *This drinking water works* is shown if with operational_status= & disused:amenity= - *This drinking water is broken* is shown if with operational_status=broken - *This drinking water is closed* is shown if with operational_status=closed - *This drinking water is permanently closed* is shown if with disused:amenity=drinking_water ### type The question is `What type of drinking water point is this?` - *This is a bubbler fountain. A water jet to drink from is sent upwards, typically controlled by a push button.* is shown if with fountain=bubbler - *This is a bottle refill point where the water is sent downwards, typically controlled by a push button or a motion sensor. Drinking directly from the stream might be very hard or impossible.* is shown if with fountain=bottle_refill - *This is a water tap. The water flows downward and the stream is controlled by a valve or push-button.* is shown if with man_made=water_tap ### Bottle refill The question is `How easy is it to fill water bottles?` - *It is easy to refill water bottles* is shown if with bottle=yes - *Water bottles may not fit* is shown if with bottle=no ### fee The question is `Is this drinking water point free to use?` - *Free to use* is shown if with fee=no - *One needs to pay to use this drinking water point* is shown if with fee=yes ### seasonal The question is `Is this drinking water point available all year round?` - *Available all around the year* is shown if with seasonal=no - *Only available in summer* is shown if with seasonal=summer - *Closed during the winter* is shown if with seasonal=spring;summer;autumn ### opening_hours_24_7 The question is `What are the opening hours of {title()}?` *

Opening hours

{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}* is shown if `opening_hours` is set - *This drinking water fountain is closed this season. As such, the opening hours are not shown.* is shown if with seasonal!=no & seasonal~.+ & ((seasonal!~^(.*winter.*)$ & _now:date~^(....-(12|01|02)-..)$) | (seasonal!~^(.*spring.*)$ & _now:date~^(....-(03|04|05)-..)$) | (seasonal!~^(.*summer.*)$ & _now:date~^(....-(06|07|08)-..)$) | (seasonal!~^(.*autumn.*)$ & _now:date~^(....-(09|10|11)-..)$)). _This option cannot be chosen as answer_ - *24/7 opened (including holidays)* is shown if with opening_hours=24/7 - *Marked as closed for an unspecified time* is shown if with opening_hours=closed. _This option cannot be chosen as answer_ ### bench-artwork The question is `Does this drinking water fountain have an artistic element?` - *This drinking water point has an integrated artwork* is shown if with tourism=artwork - *This drinking water point does not have an integrated artwork* is shown if with not:tourism:artwork=yes - *This drinking water point probably doesn't have an integrated artwork* is shown if with tourism=. _This option cannot be chosen as answer_ ### artwork-artwork_type The question is `What is the type of this artwork?` *This is a {artwork_type}* is shown if `artwork_type` is set - *Architecture* is shown if with artwork_type=architecture - *Mural* is shown if with artwork_type=mural - *Painting* is shown if with artwork_type=painting - *Sculpture* is shown if with artwork_type=sculpture - *Statue* is shown if with artwork_type=statue - *Bust* is shown if with artwork_type=bust - *Stone* is shown if with artwork_type=stone - *Installation* is shown if with artwork_type=installation - *Graffiti* is shown if with artwork_type=graffiti - *Relief* is shown if with artwork_type=relief - *Azulejo (Spanish decorative tilework)* is shown if with artwork_type=azulejo - *Tilework* is shown if with artwork_type=tilework - *Woodcarving* is shown if with artwork_type=woodcarving This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: tourism=artwork This tagrendering has labels `artwork-question` ### artwork-artist-wikidata The question is `Who made this artwork?` *This artwork was made by {wikidata_label(artist:wikidata):font-weight:bold}
{wikipedia(artist:wikidata)}* is shown if `artist:wikidata` is set This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: tourism=artwork This tagrendering has labels `artwork-question` ### artwork-artist_name The question is `Which artist created this?` *Created by {artist_name}* is shown if `artist_name` is set This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: tourism=artwork This tagrendering has labels `artwork-question` ### artwork-website The question is `Is there a website with more information about this artwork?` *{link(More information on this website,&LBRACEwebsite&RBRACE,,,,)}* is shown if `website` is set This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: tourism=artwork This tagrendering has labels `artwork-question` ### artwork_subject The question is `What does this artwork depict?` *This artwork depicts {wikidata_label(subject:wikidata)}{wikipedia(subject:wikidata)}* is shown if `subject:wikidata` is set This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: tourism=artwork This tagrendering has labels `artwork-question` ### render-closest-drinking-water _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *There is another drinking water fountain at {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} meters* This tagrendering is only visible in the popup if the following condition is met: _closest_other_drinking_water_id~.+ ### leftover-questions _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{questions( ,)}* ### move-button _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{move_button()}* ### delete-button _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{delete_button()}* ### lod _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{linked_data_from_website()}* This tagrendering has labels `added_by_default` ## Filters | id | question | osmTags | -----|-----|----- | | open_now.0 | Now open | _isOpen=yes | This document is autogenerated from [assets/layers/drinking_water/drinking_water.json](https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/blob/develop/assets/layers/drinking_water/drinking_water.json)