diff --git a/langs/en.json b/langs/en.json
index 4959dcab6..9d5e74e21 100644
--- a/langs/en.json
+++ b/langs/en.json
@@ -1,174 +1,174 @@
- "image": {
- "addPicture": "Add picture",
- "uploadingPicture": "Uploading your picture...",
- "uploadingMultiple": "Uploading {count} pictures...",
- "pleaseLogin": "Please login to add a picture",
- "willBePublished": "Your picture will be published: ",
- "cco": "in the public domain",
- "ccbs": "under the CC-BY-SA-license",
- "ccb": "under the CC-BY-license",
- "uploadFailed": "Could not upload your picture. Do you have internet and are third party API's allowed? Brave browser or UMatrix might block them.",
- "respectPrivacy": "Do not photograph people nor license plates. Do not upload Google Maps, Google Streetview or other copyrighted sources.",
- "uploadDone": "Your picture has been added. Thanks for helping out!",
- "dontDelete": "Cancel",
- "doDelete": "Remove image",
- "isDeleted": "Deleted"
- },
- "centerMessage": {
- "loadingData": "Loading data...",
- "zoomIn": "Zoom in to view or edit the data",
- "ready": "Done!",
- "retrying": "Loading data failed. Trying again in {count} seconds..."
- },
- "index": {
- "#": "These texts are shown above the theme buttons when no theme is loaded",
- "title": "Welcome to MapComplete",
- "intro": "MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap-viewer and editor, which shows you information about a specific theme.",
- "pickTheme": "Pick a theme below to get started."
- },
- "general": {
- "loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Login with OpenStreetMap",
- "welcomeBack": "You are logged in, welcome back!",
- "loginToStart": "Login to answer this question",
- "search": {
- "search": "Search a location",
- "searching": "Searching...",
- "nothing": "Nothing found...",
- "error": "Something went wrong..."
+ "image": {
+ "addPicture": "Add picture",
+ "uploadingPicture": "Uploading your picture…",
+ "uploadingMultiple": "Uploading {count} pictures…",
+ "pleaseLogin": "Please login to add a picture",
+ "willBePublished": "Your picture will be published: ",
+ "cco": "in the public domain",
+ "ccbs": "under the CC-BY-SA-license",
+ "ccb": "under the CC-BY-license",
+ "uploadFailed": "Could not upload your picture. Do you have internet and are third party API's allowed? Brave browser or UMatrix might block them.",
+ "respectPrivacy": "Do not photograph people nor license plates. Do not upload Google Maps, Google Streetview or other copyrighted sources.",
+ "uploadDone": "Your picture has been added. Thanks for helping out!",
+ "dontDelete": "Cancel",
+ "doDelete": "Remove image",
+ "isDeleted": "Deleted"
- "returnToTheMap": "Return to the map",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "skip": "Skip this question",
- "oneSkippedQuestion": "One question is skipped",
- "skippedQuestions": "Some questions are skipped",
- "number": "number",
- "osmLinkTooltip": "See this object on OpenStreetMap for history and more editing options",
- "add": {
- "addNew": "Add a new {category} here",
- "title": "Add a new point?",
- "intro": "You clicked somewhere where no data is known yet.
- "pleaseLogin": "Please log in to add a new point",
- "zoomInFurther": "Zoom in further to add a point.",
- "stillLoading": "The data is still loading. Please wait a bit before you add a new point.",
- "confirmIntro": "
Wouldn't it be cool if there was a single map, which everyone could freely use and edit? A single place to store all geo-information? Then, all those websites with different, small and incompatible maps (which are always outdated) wouldn't be needed anymore.
OpenStreetMap is this map. The map data can be used for free (with attribution and publication of changes to that data). On top of that, everyone can freely add new data and fix errors. This website uses OpenStreetMap as well. All the data is from there, and your answers and corrections are added there as well.
A ton of people and application already use OpenStreetMap: Maps.me, OsmAnd, but also the maps at Facebook, Instagram, Apple-maps and Bing-maps are (partly) powered by OpenStreetMap. If you change something here, it'll be reflected in those applications too - after their next update!
", - "attribution": { - "attributionTitle": "Attribution notice", - "attributionContent": "All data is provided by OpenStreetMap, freely reusable under the Open DataBase License.
", - "themeBy": "Theme maintained by {author}", - "iconAttribution": { - "title": "Used icons" - }, - "mapContributionsBy": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors}", - "mapContributionsByAndHidden": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors" + "general": { + "loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Login with OpenStreetMap", + "welcomeBack": "You are logged in, welcome back!", + "loginToStart": "Login to answer this question", + "search": { + "search": "Search a location", + "searching": "Searching…", + "nothing": "Nothing found…", + "error": "Something went wrong…" + }, + "returnToTheMap": "Return to the map", + "save": "Save", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "skip": "Skip this question", + "oneSkippedQuestion": "One question is skipped", + "skippedQuestions": "Some questions are skipped", + "number": "number", + "osmLinkTooltip": "See this object on OpenStreetMap for history and more editing options", + "add": { + "addNew": "Add a new {category} here", + "title": "Add a new point?", + "intro": "You clicked somewhere where no data is known yet.Wouldn't it be cool if there was a single map, which everyone could freely use and edit? A single place to store all geo-information? Then, all those websites with different, small and incompatible maps (which are always outdated) wouldn't be needed anymore.
OpenStreetMap is this map. The map data can be used for free (with attribution and publication of changes to that data). On top of that, everyone can freely add new data and fix errors. This website uses OpenStreetMap as well. All the data is from there, and your answers and corrections are added there as well.
A ton of people and application already use OpenStreetMap: Maps.me, OsmAnd, but also the maps at Facebook, Instagram, Apple-maps and Bing-maps are (partly) powered by OpenStreetMap. If you change something here, it'll be reflected in those applications too - after their next update!
", + "attribution": { + "attributionTitle": "Attribution notice", + "attributionContent": "All data is provided by OpenStreetMap, freely reusable under the Open DataBase License.
", + "themeBy": "Theme maintained by {author}", + "iconAttribution": { + "title": "Used icons" + }, + "mapContributionsBy": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors}", + "mapContributionsByAndHidden": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors" + }, + "sharescreen": { + "intro": "With MapComplete you can enrich OpenStreetMap with information on a single theme. Answer a few questions, and within minutes your contributions will be available around the globe! The theme maintainer defines elements, questions and languages for the theme.
MapComplete always offers the next step to learn more about OpenStreetMap.
Did you notice an issue? Do you have a feature request? Want to help translate? Head over to the source code or issue tracker.
Want to see your progress? Follow the edit count on OsmCha.
", + "backgroundMap": "Background map", + "layerSelection": { + "zoomInToSeeThisLayer": "Zoom in to see this layer", + "title": "Select layers" + }, + "weekdays": { + "abbreviations": { + "monday": "Mon", + "tuesday": "Tue", + "wednesday": "Wed", + "thursday": "Thu", + "friday": "Fri", + "saturday": "Sat", + "sunday": "Sun" + }, + "monday": "Monday", + "tuesday": "Tuesday", + "wednesday": "Wednesday", + "thursday": "Thursday", + "friday": "Friday", + "saturday": "Saturday", + "sunday": "Sunday" + }, + "opening_hours": { + "error_loading": "Error: could not visualize these opening hours.", + "open_during_ph": "During a public holiday, this amenity is", + "opensAt": "from", + "openTill": "till", + "not_all_rules_parsed": "The opening hours of this shop are complicated. The following rules are ignored in the input element:", + "closed_until": "Closed until {date}", + "closed_permanently": "Closed for an unkown duration", + "open_24_7": "Opened around the clock", + "ph_not_known": " ", + "ph_closed": "closed", + "ph_open": "opened" + } }, - "sharescreen": { - "intro": "With MapComplete you can enrich OpenStreetMap with information on a single theme. Answer a few questions, and within minutes your contributions will be available around the globe! The theme maintainer defines elements, questions and languages for the theme.
MapComplete always offers the next step to learn more about OpenStreetMap.
Did you notice an issue? Do you have a feature request? Want to help translate? Head over to the source code or issue tracker.
Want to see your progress? Follow the edit count on OsmCha.
", - "backgroundMap": "Background map", - "layerSelection": { - "zoomInToSeeThisLayer": "Zoom in to see this layer", - "title": "Select layers" - }, - "weekdays": { - "abbreviations": { - "monday": "Mon", - "tuesday": "Tue", - "wednesday": "Wed", - "thursday": "Thu", - "friday": "Fri", - "saturday": "Sat", - "sunday": "Sun" - }, - "monday": "Monday", - "tuesday": "Tuesday", - "wednesday": "Wednesday", - "thursday": "Thursday", - "friday": "Friday", - "saturday": "Saturday", - "sunday": "Sunday" - }, - "opening_hours": { - "error_loading": "Error: could not visualize these opening hours.", - "open_during_ph": "During a public holiday, this amenity is", - "opensAt": "from", - "openTill": "till", - "not_all_rules_parsed": "The opening hours of this shop are complicated. The following rules are ignored in the input element:", - "closed_until": "Closed until {date}", - "closed_permanently": "Closed for an unkown duration", - "open_24_7": "Opened around the clock", - "ph_not_known": " ", - "ph_closed": "closed", - "ph_open": "opened" + "reviews": { + "title": "{count} reviews", + "title_singular": "One review", + "name_required": "A name is required in order to display and create reviews", + "no_reviews_yet": "There are no reviews yet. Be the first to write one and help open data and the business!", + "write_a_comment": "Leave a review…", + "no_rating": "No rating given", + "posting_as": "Posting as", + "i_am_affiliated": "I am affiliated with this object